CV - Wachid Ridwan
Wachid Ridwan(Dr, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia)Senior LecturerEmail: Faculty of Education, Social Science and Islamic Studies (FESSIS) Programme: PhD in Social Science Staff No: A0003 |
Professional Affiliation
Muhammadiyah Association ,
Member (No.778706).
Member (No.778706).
Indexed Articles
Displaying 8 records.Publication Year | Articles |
2018 | 1 |
2021 | 2 |
2022 | 2 |
2023 | 2 |
2024 | 1 |
8 |
No | Journal Detail | Index | IF |
1 |
Wachid Ridwan, Makmun Murod (2024) Interfaced Motive of the Terrorism Threat in the Case of Policing by Densus 88 Anti-Terror, Jurnal Hubungan Internasional, Vol: 12, 2, 23-32, ISSN:1829-5081. (Published) |
Other index |
2 |
Nisrina Salsabila, Wachid Ridwan (2023) Peran International Organization for Mitigation (IOM) dalam Menangani Krisis Kemanusiaan Etnis Rohingya di Indonesia , INDEPENDENCE: Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global, Vol: 4, 1, 40-49, ISSN:2721-9755. (Published) |
Other index |
3 |
Lusi Andriyani, Putri Raisa Islamy, Wachid Ridwan, B Jauchar (2023) KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DAERAH NANGGROE ACEH DARUSSALAM TERHADAP PENGUNGSI ROHINGNYA TAHUN 2020-2022 , Jurnal Sosial-Politika, Vol: 4, 1, 20-27, ISSN:2798-2238. (Published) |
Other index |
4 |
Wachid Ridwan (2022) Irisan Motif Ancaman Terorisme: Studi Kasus Penegakan Hukum Densus 88 Anti Teror di Yogyakarta, Surabaya dan Makassar Tahun 2021 , INDEPENDEN: Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global, Vol: 3, 1, 15-24, ISSN:2721-9755. (Published) |
Other index |
5 |
Wachid Ridwan (2022) Understanding Actors in Counter Terrorism in Indonesia , At-Tahalof, Vol: 12, 1, 44-47, ISSN:0000-000. (Published) |
Other index |
6 |
Wachid Ridwan (2021) Policing Terrorism: Pendekatan Pencegahan Ekstremisme Agama Dan Terorisme , INDEPENDEN: Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global, Vol: 2, 1, 41-50, ISSN:2721-9755. (Published) |
Other index |
7 |
Wachid Ridwan (2021) The Dynamics of Islamic Mass Organisations in Preventing Violent Extremism , Countering Violent and Hateful Extremism in Indonesia Islam, Gender and Civil Society (Book), Vol: 2022, , 215-231, ISSN:2731-0329. (Published) |
Scopus |
8 |
Wachid Ridwan (2018) Faktor Agama Dalam Hubungan Internasional , Jurnal Enersia Publika: Energi, Sosial, dan Administrasi Publik, Vol: 1, 2, 1-12, ISSN:2579-924X. (Published) |
Other index |
Displaying 3 records.No | Cover book | Book Detail | Involvement |
1 |
System Dynamics Kontraterorisme Partisipasi dan Rasionalitas Para Aktor Dr. Wachid Ridwan
(2020), ISBN:978-623-92809-3-2, Suara Muhammadiyah.Language: Bahasa Indonesia source link |
First author |
2 |
Takziah Muhammadiyah untuk KH. Hasyim Muzadi M Din Syamsudin, Abdul Mu'ti, Sudarnoto A Hakim, Edi Amin, Syaiful Bahri, Makmun Murod, Mh Zaelani Tammaka, Iu Rusliana, Biyanto, Wachid Ridwan, Mukhaer Pakkana, Benni Setiawan, Imam Prihadiyoko, Faozan Amar, Rita Pranawati, Miqdad Husein, Azrul Tanjung, Setia Budi, Abd Rahim Ghazali Language: Bahasa Indonesia source link |
Co-author |
3 |
Islam Berkemajuan untuk Peradaban Dunia Ahmad Fuad Fanani, Ahmad Najib Burhani, Amich Alhumamy, Alpha Amirrachman, Azaki KHoiruddin, Biyanto, Din Wahid, Hajriyanto Y Thohari, Hilman Latief, Muhammad Rokib, Muthoharun Jinan, Pradana Boy ZTF, Rahmawati Husein, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, Wachid Ridwan, Zakiyudin Badhowi, Zuly Qodir. Language: Bahasa Indonesia source link |
Co-author |
Chapter in Book
Displaying 3 records.No | Cover book | Chapter in Book | Involvement |
1 |
Radikalisme, ektremisme, dan terorisme: Tinjauan ontologis dan epistemologis
(Wachid Ridwan )
inPencegahan Ektremisme dan Terorisme
(Muhammad Syauqillah, Marlinda Irwanti, Wachid Ridwan, Muhammad Najih Arromadhani, Rakyan Adibrata, Mbtadi Faishal, Makmun Rashid )2024, ISBN: 978-623-7362-82-1, Cakrawala Yogyakarta. |
First author |
2 |
The Dynamics of Islamic Mass Organisations in Preventing Violent Extremism
(Wachid Ridwan)
inCountering Violent and Hateful Extremism in Indonesia Islam, Gender and Civil Society Greg Barton, Matteo Vergani, and Yenny Wahid, Dewirini Anggraeni, Visna Vulovik, Suhadi and Utami Sandyarani, M. Faisal Magrie, Idhamsyah Eka Putra, Any Rufaedah, )and Vici Sofianna Putera, Hana Hanifah, Muhammad Wildan, Wachid Ridwan, Ruici Tio and Samantha Kruber, Natalie Ralph 2022, ISBN: 978-981-16-2031-7, Palgrave Macmillan. |
Co-author |
3 |
I am Psychologically Unprepared
inWachid Ridwan, Tabrani Sabirin, Sameera Ali, Nabil Al-Trikitri, Jiffer Bourguignon, Sandi Gale, Hugh J. Ivory, Rose Marie Nemeth, Barbara, Fracassi Nodine, Jean Dorgan-Nostrand, Dolores Hewitt-O'Neil )Ordinary People, Extra Ordinary Deeds: A Memoir of a World Citizen Diplomat
(Lois Ann Nicolai)2022, ISBN: 978-1-66785-795-4, BookBaby Publishing Company. |
Co-author |
Article in Proceedings
Displaying 3 records.No | Article in Proceedings | Involvement |
1 |
PENYULUHAN PERUBAHAN BUDAYA DAN KEBIASAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 In Proc. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat LPPM UMJ (2022), pp.1-3, ISBN:2714-6286SEMINAR. |
Co-author |
2 |
Engaging Community Through Policing Terrorism to CounterReligious Extremism and Terrorism In Proc.
International Conference on Middle East and South East Asia (ICoMS) (2016), pp.193-200, ISBN:978-602-71888-4-6. |
First author |
3 |
Reframing Indonesian Foreign Politic on the New International Order: The Case of Indonesia-China Relations on Asian Century In Proc.
International Conference on Social Politics (ICSP) (2016), pp.679-689, ISBN: . |
Co-author |
Other Publications
Displaying 3 records.No | Publication Type | Publication Info | Involvement |
1 | News Paper |
News Paper, Setelah Dwiwindu Bom Bali (3): Partisipasi Kontraterorisme , (2020). |
First Author |
2 | News Paper |
News Paper, Setelah Dwiwindu Bom Bali (2): Radikalisme Bisa Dirasionalkan? , (2020). |
First Author |
3 | News Paper |
News Paper, Setelah Dwiwindu Bom Bali (1): Mengantisipasi Terorisme , (2020). |
First Author |
Displaying 3 records.Involvement | Involved as |
Project leader | 3 |
No | Project Title | Start | End | Involvement | Category | Funding |
1 |
[Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakaarta Nomor 361 Tahun 2023] Strategi Proliferasi Jamaah Islamiyah: Pemahaman dan Penegakan Hukum Densus 88 Anti Teror pada Kontraterorisme di Lampung tahun 2019-2023 |
27/3/2023 | 13/1/2024 | Project leader |
International (Indonesia) |
3,125 |
2 |
[Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta Grant 19/R-UMJ/IV/2022] Kinerja Muhammadiyah Agency for International Development (MuhammadiyahAID) dalam Bantuan Kemanusiaan Internasional Tahun 2017-2022 |
1/4/2022 | 24/1/2023 | Project leader |
International (Indonesia) |
3,110 |
3 |
[RisetMu Diktilitbang PP Muhammadiyah 0842.081/PD/I.3/C/2021] Irisan Motif Ancaman Terorisme: Studi Kasus Penegakan Hukum DENSUS 88 Anti Teror di Yogyakarta, Surabaya dan Makassar tahun 2021 |
1/2/2021 | 10/12/2021 | Project leader |
International (Indonesia) |
3,110 |
9,345 |
No innovation records found.
Community Service
No community records found.
Consultation Service
No consultation records found.
Displaying 5 records.No | Supervision | Student | Status |
1 | Supervisor |
Vike Indarwati (2019130039)
Completed 2023 |
2 | Supervisor |
Dian Ariyani Surya (201 9130036)
Diplomasi HAM Bantuan Kemanusiaan Muhammadiyah Agency For International Development Untuk Rohingya Di Myanmar Tahun 2017-2020 |
Completed 2022 |
3 | Supervisor |
Nisrina Salsabila (201 9130010)
Peran International Organization For Migration Dalam Menanggani Pengungsi Rohingya di Indonesia Tahun 2020-2022 |
Completed 2022 |
4 | Supervisor |
Putri Raisa Islamy (2019130013)
Completed 2022 |
5 | Supervisor |
Bunga Cikal Maharani (201 8130057)
Completed 2021 |
Displaying 5 results.No | Achievement Information | Category | Year |
1 |
Royal Netherlands Embassy Employee of the Month
International | 2006 |
2 |
US Department of State Groups Meritorious Honor Award
International | 2003 |
3 |
US Embassy Jakarta Extra Miles Award
International | 2003 |
4 |
US Department of State Individual Meritorious Honor Award
International | 2002 |
5 |
US Embassy Jakarta Employee of the Month
International | 2000 |
Displaying 4 recordsNo | Assignment Post | Assignment Information |
1 | Deputy Vice-Chancellor | Deputy Vice-Chancellor , (3/7/2023 - Current ) |
No | Assignment Post | Assignment Information |
2 | Member of the Expert Team of the National Movement of Mental Revolution | Member of the Expert Team of the National Movement of Mental Revolution , (23/10/2020 - Current ) |
No | Assignment Post | Assignment Information |
3 | Political and Development Officer | Political and Development Officer , (17/7/2006 - Date 6/2/2015) |
No | Assignment Post | Assignment Information |
4 | Political Assistant | Political Assistant , (13/12/1999 - Date 13/7/2015) |
Other Assignments
Displaying 1 recordsNo | Assignment | Description |
1 | Conference Director or Chairman |
International Summit on Knowledge Advancement (ISKA) 2022 Perlis, Malaysia ,
(22/8/2022 - Date 23/8/2022)
Attended Courses
No attended course records found.
Teaching Experience
Displaying 23 recordsNo | Degree Level | Session | Course |
1 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2022 |
Isu-isu Global Masa Kini (181050701) |
2 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2022 |
Studi Strategis (181050705) |
3 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2021 |
Studi Strategis (181050705) |
4 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2021 |
Studi Strategis (181050705) |
5 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2021 |
Kawasan Amerika (181050510) |
6 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2020 |
Bahasa Inggeris untuk Hubungan Internasional (181050401) |
7 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2020 |
Kawasan Amerika (181050510) |
8 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2020 |
Politik Internasional (181050305) |
No | Degree Level | Session | Course |
9 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2022 |
Keamanan Siber (PP01033355) |
10 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2022 |
Metode Penelitian Hubungan Internasional (WP01032343) |
11 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2022 |
Manajemen dan Resolusi Konflik (WP01032331) |
12 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2022 |
Filsafat Ilmu (WF00011201) |
13 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2022 |
Filsafat Ilmu (WF00011201) |
14 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2022 |
Bantuan Kemanusiaan Internasional (WP01031326) |
15 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2022 |
Filsafat Ilmu (WF00011201) |
16 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2022 |
Metode Penelitian Hubungan Internasional (WP01032343) |
17 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2021 |
Keamanan Siber (PP01033355) |
18 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2021 |
Hubungan Internasional di Kawasan Asia Tenggara dan Asia Timur (WP01032342) |
19 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2021 |
Bantuan Kemanusiaan Internasional (WP01031326) |
20 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2020 |
Resolusi dan Manajemen Konflik (PIP3212) |
21 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2020 |
Politik Luar Negeri RI dan Sejarah Diplomasi RI (PIP3102) |
22 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 1 2020 |
Bantuan Kemanusiaan Internasional (PIP3143) |
23 | Bachelor (S1) | Sem 2 2019 |
Sistem Politik Indonesia (FSP2207) |