CV - Shahnor Basri

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Shahnor Basri

( PhD, University of Wales, Swansea, United Kingdom)

Adjunct Professor

Faculty: Institute of Strategic Science and Technology (ItSAT)
Programme: PhD in Computational Science Engineering

Professional Affiliation

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Registered Professional Engineers, Board of Engineers Malaysia,
      PEng (No.7768).

Indexed Articles

Displaying 55 records.
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Publication Year Articles
1989 2
1990 3
1991 1
1993 1
2000 2
2001 1
2002 2
2003 1
2004 1
2005 1
2006 1
2008 5
2009 2
2010 4
2011 6
2012 4
2013 1
2014 6
2015 1
2016 4
2017 1
2018 2
2019 3
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No Journal Detail Index IF
1 Nor, M.M., Noor Amri, N.F.A., Rahman, M.M., Liew, J.Y., Omar, M.N., Basri, S.
(2019) Kinetic study of phytochemical extraction and antioxidant potential of hibiscus cannabinus L., International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol: 12, 12, 2502--2509, ISSN:9743154. (Published)
2 Kamaruzaman, F.F., Nuruzzaman, D.M., Chowdhury, M.A., Jamaludin, S.N.S., Basri, S., Ismail, N.M.
(2019) Characterisation of four-layered Al-Al2O3 functionally graded material prepared through powder metallurgy and pressureless sintering, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol: 59, 1, 48--62, ISSN:2681900. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 0.743
3 Alias, S.S., Harun, Z., Azhar, F.H., Yusof, K.N., Jamalludin, M.R., Hubadillah, S.K., Basri, S.N., Al-Harthi, M.A.
(2019) Enhancing the performance of a hybrid porous polysulfone membrane impregnated with green Ag/AgO additives derived from the Parkia speciosa, Vacuum, Vol: 163, , 301--311, ISSN:0042207X. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 4.110
4 Latiff, M.I.A., Nuruzzaman, D.M., Basri, S., Ismail, N.M., Jamaludin, S.N.S., Kamaruzaman, F.F.
(2018) Preparation and characterization of 6-layered functionally graded nickel-alumina (Ni-Al2O3) composites, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 342, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
5 Bakar, W.Z.W., Basri, S., Jamaludin, S.N.S., Sajjad, A.
(2018) Functionally graded materials: An overview of dental applications, World Journal of Dentistry, Vol: 9, 2, 137--144, ISSN:9766006. (Published)
6 Jamaludin, S.N.S., Basri, S., Mustapha, F., Nuruzzaman, D.M., Latiff, M.I.A., Ismail, N.M.
(2017) Phase contamination characterization of stepwise-built functionally graded hydroxyapatite/titanium (HA/Ti) sintered under various atmospheres, Materials Science Forum, Vol: 889 MSF, , 90--95, ISSN:2555476. (Published)
7 Marjuki, A.R., Mohd Ghazali, F.A., Ismail, N.M., Sulaiman, S., Mohd Khairuddin, I., Majeed, A.P.P.A., Jaafar, A.A., Mustapha, F., Basri, S.
(2016) CAE applications in a thermoforming mould design, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 114, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
8 Nuruzzaman, D.M., Iqbal, A.K.M.A., Oumer, A.N., Ismail, N.M., Basri, S.
(2016) Experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced nylon, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 114, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
9 Rao, A.K.P., Oh, Y.S., Ain, W.Q., Azhari, A., Basri, S.N., Kim, N.J.
(2016) Al-TiH2 Composite Foams Magnesium Alloy, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 114, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
10 Nuruzzaman, D.M., Kusaseh, N., Basri, S., Oumer, A.N., Hamedon, Z.
(2016) Modeling and flow analysis of pure nylon polymer for injection molding process, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 114, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
11 Nuruzzaman, D.M., Jamaludin, S.N.S., Kamaruzaman, F.F.B., Basri, S., Zulkifli, N.A.M.B.
(2015) Fabrication and mechanical properties of aluminium-aluminium oxide metal matrix composites, International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Vol: 15, 6, 68--75, ISSN:22272771. (Published)
12 Abdul Latiff, M.I., Jamaludin, S.N.S., Basri, S., Hussain, A., Alothmany, D.S., Mustapha, F., Nuruzzaman, D.M., Ismail, N.M., Ismail, I.
(2014) Effect of sintering temperature on functionally graded nickel/alumina plate, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol: 629, , 437--443, ISSN:16609336. (Published)
13 Jamaludin, S.N.S., Basri, S., Hussain, A., Al-Othmany, D.S., Mustapha, F., Nuruzzaman, D.M.
(2014) Three-dimensional finite element modeling of thermomechanical problems in functionally graded hydroxyapatite/titanium plate, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol: 2014, , --, ISSN:1024123X. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.430
14 Safri, S.N.A., Sultan, M.T.H., Razali, N., Basri, S., Yidris, N., Mustapha, F.
(2014) The effect of layers and bullet type on impact properties of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) using a Single Stage Gas Gun (SSGG), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol: 564, , 428--433, ISSN:16609336. (Published)
15 Sultan, M.T.H., Basri, S., Rafie, A.S.M., Yidris, N., Mustapha, F., Zahari, R., Ajir, M.R.
(2014) Impact damage analysis for glass reinforced epoxy laminated plates using single stage gas gun, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol: 564, , 382--387, ISSN:16609336. (Published)
16 Razali, N., Sultan, M.T.H., Safri, S.N.A., Basri, S., Yidris, N., Mustapha, F.
(2014) High velocity impact test on glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) using a single stage gas gun (SSGG) - An experimental based approach, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol: 564, , 376--381, ISSN:16609336. (Published)
17 Jaafar, A.A., Majeed, A.P.P.A., Sapuan, S.M., Basri, S.
(2014) Velocity measurements using high-speed imaging system for impact test, Advanced Materials Research, Vol: 903, , 187--193, ISSN:10226680. (Published)
18 Fakir, M.M., Khatun, S., Basri, S.N.
(2013) Enhancement of algorithm and investigation of heat transfer through fins, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol: 7, 6, 1037--1043, ISSN:19708734. (Published)
19 Sinnasamy, Y., Arbiahyahaya, N., Basri, S., Jafar, A.A., Rafie, A.S.M.
(2012) Assessment on effects of under-relaxation factors on 2d incompressible laminar flow over a backward-facing step (BFS), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol: 225, , 55--59, ISSN:16609336. (Published)
20 Fakir, M.M., Basri, S., Rahman, M.M., Bakar, R.A.
(2012) Efficient finite element and differential quadrature methods for heat distribution in one-dimensional insulated-tip rectangular fin, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 36, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
21 Mohamad, M.A.H., Basri, S., Basuno, B.
(2012) One-dimensional high-order compact method for solving Euler's equations, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol: 1440, , 806--818, ISSN:0094243X. (Published)
22 Sultan, M.T.H., Basri, S., Rafie, A.S.M., Mustapha, F., Majid, D.L., Ajir, M.R.
(2012) High velocity impact damage analysis for glass epoxy - Laminated plates, Advanced Materials Research, Vol: 399-401, , 2318--2328, ISSN:10226680. (Published)
23 Affandi, N.B., Rafie, A.S.Mohd., Basri, S., Romli, F.I., Majid, D.L.A.A., Mustapha, F.
(2011) A preliminary study on translational kinetic energy absorption using coconut-fiber (coir) sheets as a potential impact-worthy constituent in advanced aerospace material, Key Engineering Materials, Vol: 471-472, , 1028--1033, ISSN:10139826. (Published)
24 Majid, D.L.A.A., Basri, S., Varatharajoo, R., Attaran, A.H.
(2011) Flutter analysis of a hybrid plate-like fiber-reinforced composite wing, Key Engineering Materials, Vol: 471-472, , 1107--1112, ISSN:10139826. (Published)
25 Bahraminejad, B., Basri, S., Isa, M., Hambali, Z.
(2011) Hydrogen detection in organic gas mixtures based on analyzing the transient response, Sensor Review, Vol: 31, 1, 26--31, ISSN:2602288. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.544
26 Attaran, A., Majid, D.L., Basri, S., Mohd Rafie, A.S., Abdullah, E.J.
(2011) Structural optimization of an aeroelastically tailored composite flat plate made of woven fiberglass/epoxy, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol: 15, 5, 393--401, ISSN:12709638. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 5.457
27 Moslemuddin Fakir, Md., Basri, S., Sahat, I.B.M., Sharma, K.V., Khatun, S.
(2011) OFEM: An optimum finite element algorithm for heat transfer problem in twodimensional insulated-tip rectangular fin, Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, CICSyN 2011, Vol: , , 173--177, ISSN:9780769544823. (Published)
28 Mohammed, T.A., Said, S., Bardaie, M.Z., Basri, S.N.
(2011) Numerical simulation of flood levels for tropical rivers, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 17, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
29 Bahraminejad, B., Basri, S., Isa, M., Hambli, Z.
(2010) Real-time gas identification by analyzing the transient response of capillary-attached conductive gas sensor, Sensors, Vol: 10, 6, 5359--5377, ISSN:14248220. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 3.847
30 Bahraminejad, B., Basri, S., Isa, M., Hambli, Z.
(2010) Evaluation of dimension effects on a capillary-attached gas sensor, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol: 21, 6, --, ISSN:9570233. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 2.398
31 Taher, S.T., Oshkour, A.A., Zahari, R., Mustapha, F., Basri, S.
(2010) On the crush behavior of an ultra light multi-cell foam-filled composite structure under axial compression, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol: 29, 3, 391--408, ISSN:7316844. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 3.383
32 Bahraminejad, B., Basri, S., Isa, M., Hambali, Z.
(2010) Application of a sensor array based on capillary-attached conductive gas sensors for odor identification, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol: 21, 8, --, ISSN:9570233. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 2.398
33 Taher, S.T., Zahari, R., Ataollahi, S., Mustapha, F., Basri, S.
(2009) A double-cell foam-filled composite block for efficient energy absorption under axial compression, Composite Structures, Vol: 89, 3, 399--407, ISSN:2638223. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 6.603
34 Bahraminejad, B., Basri, S., Isa, M., Hambali, Z.
(2009) Single selective gas sensor for detecting flammable gases, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol: 6, 12, 876--882, ISSN:13492543. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 0.709
35 Ahmed, B.S., Samsudin, K., Rahman Ramli, A., Basri, S.
(2008) Toward descriptive performance model for OpenMosix cluster, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 6 CCIS, , 728--731, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
36 Ahmed, B.S., Samsudin, K., Ramli, A.R., Basri, S.
(2008) A descriptive performance model of a load balancing single system image, Proceedings - 2nd Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, AMS 2008, Vol: , , 180--184, ISSN:9780769531366. (Published)
37 Attaran, A., Majid, D.L., Basri, S., Mohd Rafie, A.S., Abdullah, E.J.
(2008) Structural optimization of an aeroelastically tailored composite flat plate made of woven fiberglass/epoxy, Acta Mechanica, Vol: 196, 3-4, 161--173, ISSN:15970. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 2.645
38 Majid, D.L.A.H.A., Basri, S.
(2008) LCO flutter of cantilevered woven glass/epoxy laminate in subsonic flow, Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao, Vol: 24, 1, 107--110, ISSN:5677718. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 2.910
39 Bahraminejad, B., Basri, S., Isa, M.M., Hanbali, Z.
(2008) A novel approach in detecting hydrocarbons vapors, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol: 21 IFMBE, 1, 649--652, ISSN:16800737. (Published)
40 Mawlood, M.K., Basri, S., Asrar, W., Omar, A.A., Mokhtar, A.S., Ahmad, M.M.H.M.
(2006) Solution of Navier-Stokes equations by fourth-order compact schemes and AUSM flux splitting, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol: 16, 1, 107--120, ISSN:9615539. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 5.181
41 Mawlood, M.K., Basri, S., Mokhtar, A.S., Ahmad, M.M.H.M., Asrar, W., Omar, A.A.
(2005) Flux limiting with high-order compact schemes, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, Vol: , , 7637--7645, ISSN: . (Published)
42 Mawlood, M.K., Basri, S.N., Asrar, W., Omar, A.A., Mokhtar, A.S., Ahmad, M.M.H.M.
(2004) An AUSM-based high-order compact method for solving Navier-Stokes equations, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol: 76, 3, 299--304, ISSN:22667. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.478
43 Mawlood, M.K., Asrar, W., Omar, A.A., Basri, S.
(2003) A high-resolution compact upwind algorithm for inviscid flows, 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781624100994. (Published)
44 Mawlood, M.K., Asrar, W., Omar, A.A., Basri, S.
(2002) Flow past a backward facing step: Fourth-order compact finite-difference results, 32nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781624101137. (Published)
45 Yunus, R., Lye, O.T., Fakhru'l-Razi, A., Basri, S.
(2002) A simple capillary column GC method for analysis of palm oil-based polyol esters, JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Vol: 79, 11, 1075--1080, ISSN:0003021X. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.952
46 Onsa, M.H., Sapuan, S.M., Basri, S., Megat Ahmad, M.M.H., Maleque, M.A.
(2001) Elastohydrodynamic lubrication study of hard rolling contact using boundary element method, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol: 53, 4, 148--171, ISSN:368792. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.442
47 Sadique, S.E., Mollah, M.A.H., Ali, M.M., Haque, M.M., Basri, S., Ahmad, M.M.H.M., Sapuan, S.M.
(2000) Influence of aluminium additions on the rate of oxidation of iron-chromium alloys, Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering, Vol: 1, , --, ISSN:14668858. (Published)
48 Sadique, S.E., Mollah, A.H., Islam, M.S., Ali, M.M., Megat, M.H.H., Basri, S.
(2000) High-temperature oxidation behavior of iron-chromium-aluminum alloys, Oxidation of Metals, Vol: 54, 5-6, 385--400, ISSN:0030770X. (Published)
49 Basri, S.B., Gethin, D.T.
(1993) An experimental investigation into the thermal behawior of a three lobe profile bore bearing, Journal of Tribology, Vol: 115, 1, 152--159, ISSN:7424787. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.891
50 Gethin, D.T., Basri, S.B.
(1991) An experimental and numerical investigation into the thermal behaviour of a three-lobe profile bore bearing, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol: 205, 4, 251--264, ISSN:9544062. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.758
51 Basri, S.B., Gethin, D.T.
(1990) Characteristics of a three lobe profile bore bearing operating under optimum conditions and including thermal effects, National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol: , 90 pt 14, 171--176, ISSN:3136922. (Published)
52 Gethin, D.T., Basri, S.B., Mahdar, M.
(1990) Loading direction effects in a three lobe profile bore bearing, , Vol: , , --, ISSN:085298748X. (Published)
53 Basri, S., Gethin, D.T.
(1990) A comparative study of the thermal behaviour of profile bore bearings, Tribology International, Vol: 23, 4, 265--276, ISSN:0301679X. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 5.620
54 Basri, S., Gethin, D.T.
(1989) Axially profiled circular bearings and their potential application in high speed lubrication., , Vol: , (eds.), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier Sci. Publications B.V., 1989, Session VIII, Paper VIII(, --, ISSN:444874356. (Published)
55 Basri, S., Gethin, D.T.
(1989) Axially profiled circular bearings and their potential application in high speed lubrication, Tribology Series, Vol: 14, C, 211--218, ISSN:1678922. (Published)


Displaying 2 records.
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No Cover book Book Detail Involvement
One-Dimensional High-Order Compact Method Using Euler Equations Approach
Mahmod Abd hakim Mohamad, Yahaya Ramli, Shahnor Basri, Bambang Basuno, Misbahul Muneer Abd Rahman
(2018), ISBN:9789672183174, Penerbit UTHM.
Language: English
source link
Application of Numerical Methods in Engineering
ShahNor Basri, Abdul Aziz Abdul Samad, Abdul Magid Hamouda
(1997), ISBN:9839319213, Selangor Printing Company.
Language: English
source link

Chapter in Book

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Article in Proceedings

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Other Publications

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Displaying 14 records.
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Involvement Involved as
Research member 7
Project leader 7
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No Project Title Start End Involvement Category Funding (MYR)
1 [RDU Research Grant -]
Fabrication & Properties of FGMs
1/1/2013 1/1/2015 Research member University
2 [FRGS -]
Hypervelocity Planar Plate Impact Experiments of Woven Carbon-fiber Reinforced Matrix Composite Panels and/or Composite Laminates
1/1/2006 1/1/2008 Project leader National
3 [IRPA -]
Aerodynamic Design and Technology Concept of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
1/1/2005 1/1/2008 Research member National
4 [IRPA -]
Structural Optimization of Aeroelastically Tailored Composite Wings
1/1/2004 1/1/2006 Research member National
5 [IRPA -]
Accurate Numerical Simulation of Flow Fields
1/1/2002 1/1/2004 Project leader National
6 [IRPA -]
Mathematical Model and Algorithm Development for the Flow and Heat Transfer of Film-Cooled Turbine Blades
1/1/2002 1/1/2004 Research member National
7 [IRPA -]
Finite Element Modeling and Advanced Computation of Hard and Soft Rolling Processes
1/1/1996 1/1/2000 Project leader National
8 [European Commission (EC) -]
Elastohydrodynamic Analysis of Hard and Soft Rolling Processes
1/1/1995 1/1/1999 Project leader International
(United Kingdom)
9 [IRPA -]
Aerodynamics, Stress Analysis and Vibration Analysis of Vehicles Body and Components
1/1/1996 1/1/1999 Project leader National
10 [Ministry of Science Technology and Environment -]
Hydrodynamic Lubrication Analyses of Profiled Bore Bearings Using Finite Element Methods
1/1/1990 1/1/1995 Project leader National
11 [Short Term Grant MARA -]
Thermal Modeling of a Bakery Factory
2/6/1994 30/6/1994 Project leader University
12 [Short Term Grant -]
Development of Teaching Company Scheme Programs UPM- Motola (M)
1/6/1994 30/6/1994 Research member National
13 [SAPURA -]
Development and design of Drop Test Machine for Telephone Keypad
1/12/1991 31/12/1991 Research member National
14 [Short Term Grant -]
Design of An Activated Carbon Plant for Senaik Sdn Bhd
1/10/1990 30/11/1990 Research member National


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Community Service

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Consultation Service

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Displaying 25 records.
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PhD or Doctor (S3)
No Supervision Student Status
1 Supervisor
Chatur Setyawan
Aerodynamics Design of an Wau-Bulan Planform Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (PhD in Aerospace Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2011
2 Supervisor
Behzad Bahraminejad
Transient Response Analysis of Capillary-Attached Gas Sensor for Electronic Nose Application (PhD in Biomedical Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2011
3 Supervisor
Dayang Laila Abdul Majid
Aeroelasticity Analysis of Woven Based Matrix Composite Plate in Subsonic Region (PhD in Aerospace Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2008
4 Supervisor
Azmin Shakrine
Aerolasticity and Flutter Analysia of Woven Based Composite Plates (PhD in Aerospace Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2007
5 Supervisor
Mahmmoud M Mawlood
An AUSM Based Higher Order Compact Method For Solving N-S Equations (PhD in Materials Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2004
6 Supervisor
Zahurin Halim
Experimental and Numerical Investigation into Peeling Properties of Sandwich Composite Materials (PhD in Materials Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2002
7 Supervisor
Mahmoud Hasan Onsa
Numerical Modeling of EHL Process using Boundary Element Method (PhD in Computational Method Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2001
8 Supervisor
Thamer Ahmed Mohammed 
Surface Water Modelling (Ph.D. in System Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1998
9 Co- Supervisor
Ahmed Abulaid Ganfoud
Intrusion in Coastal Aquifer Using Subsurface Barriers (Ph.D. in System Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1997
Master by Research (S2)
No Supervision Student Status
1 Supervisor
Ahsan Nur Mubarak Zahari
Measurement of Different Bloackgae Effect on Rectangular Cavity in Low Reynolds Number Flow using Particle Image Velocimetry (MSc)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2013
2 Supervisor
Aishah Badzilah
Hypervelocity Impat Analysis of Fibre Matrix Composite (MS in Aerospace Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2013
3 Supervisor
Mahmod Abd Hakim bin Mohamad
One-Dimensional High Order Compact Method for Solving Euler's Equations (Master in Aerospace Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2010
4 Supervisor
M. Tareq Sultan
Impact Analysis of Woven Based Composite Plate (MS Aerospace Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2007
5 Supervisor
Zaihar Yaacob
Finite Difference Static and Dynamic Modelling of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings (MS Mech. Eng)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2006
6 Supervisor
Fauziah Hanim
Chebyshev Approximation of Discrete Polynomials and Splines (MS Mechanical Eng.)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2005
7 Supervisor
Jamilah Talib
Effect of Loading Rate on Fracture Toughness Measurement of 7010 Aluminium Alloy and Mild Steel (M.S. in Materials Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2003
8 Supervisor
Aznijar Ahmad Yazid
Aerofoils Analysis using Meshless Methods (MS in Aeronautical Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2003
9 Supervisor
Dayang Laila A.A.M
Aeroelasticy Analysis of a Thin Plate Using Panel Methods (MS in Advanced Material)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2001
10 Supervisor
Norzelawati Asmuin
Aerodynamic Analysis of Vehicle Body Components using FEM (MS in Aerospace Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 2000
11 Supervisor
Dewan Mohammad Nuruzzaman
Modelling of Cylindrical Bore Bearings (M. Sc in Mechanical Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1998
12 Supervisor
Tan Hui Meng
TQM Application in SMI's (M. Sc Manufacturing System Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1997
13 Supervisor
Abdul Halim Manaf
Failure Analysis Investigation of 2N7002LTI TMOS Device Failure (M.Sc In Manufacturing System)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1997
14 Supervisor
Osman Mohamed Ahmed
Analysis and Optimisation of Incopressible Inviscid Flow araound an Airfoils with a Split Flap (MS in Computational Mtd. In Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1997
15 Supervisor
M.A Malek
Isothermal and Thermal Analyses of Elastohydrodynamic of Hard Rolling Contacts (M. Sc In Mechanical Engineering)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1997
16 Supervisor
Wan Termeze Wan Ariffin
Strength and Sturdiness of Rattan Joints
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Completed 1994
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Displaying 12 records
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Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia (UMAM)
No Assignment Post Assignment Information
1 Deputy Vice Chancellor Deputy Vice Chancellor ,
(1/6/2023 - Current )
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
No Assignment Post Assignment Information
1 Assistant Vice Chancellor Assistant Vice Chancellor ,
(1/3/2017 - Date 28/2/2018)
2 Director Office of Research Management, Innovation & Commercialization Director Office of Research Management, Innovation & Commercialization ,
(1/2/2015 - Date 24/2/2017)
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
No Assignment Post Assignment Information
1 Dean Research and Innovation Dean Research and Innovation ,
(1/1/2012 - Date 1/12/2014)
2 Dean Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering Dean Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering ,
(1/1/2010 - Date 1/12/2012)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
No Assignment Post Assignment Information
1 Deputy Director Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA) Deputy Director Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA) ,
(1/5/2004 - Date 1/4/2007)
2 Head of Department Aerospace Engineering Head of Department Aerospace Engineering ,
(1/6/2000 - Date 1/12/2000)
3 Deputy Director Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA) Deputy Director Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA) ,
(1/1/2000 - Date 1/9/2001)
4 Head of Department Aerospace Engineering Head of Department Aerospace Engineering ,
(1/7/1997 - Date 1/12/1999)
5 Deputy Dean Engineering Faculty Deputy Dean Engineering Faculty ,
(1/1/1995 - Date 1/12/1999)
6 Head of Department Mechanical and Systems Engineering Head of Department Mechanical and Systems Engineering ,
(1/10/1993 - Date 1/12/1994)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
No Assignment Post Assignment Information
1 Professor Chair in Mechanical Engineering (on secondment) Professor Chair in Mechanical Engineering (on secondment) ,
(1/10/2001 - Date 28/9/2003)

Other Assignments

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S.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
No Assignment Description
1 Visiting Professor Faculty of Engineering ,
(1/11/2012 - Date 31/12/2012)
University Al Fateh, Tripoli, Libya
No Assignment Description
1 Visiting Professor Department of Aerospace Engineering ,
(1/12/2009 - Date 31/12/2009)
Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
No Assignment Description
1 Visiting Professor Department of Engineering Sciences ,
(1/11/2007 - Date 1/1/2009)
University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)
No Assignment Description
1 External Examiner B.Eng Mechanical Engineering ,
(1/1/2005 - Date 1/11/2010)
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
No Assignment Description
1 Visiting Professor Department of Engineering Science ,
(1/7/1999 - Date 31/12/1999)

Attended Courses

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