CV - Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud
Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud( PhD, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia)ProfessorEmail: Faculty of Business, Management and Information Technology (FBIT) Programme: PhD in Information Technology ![]() ![]() |
Indexed Articles
Displaying 139 records.Publication Year | Articles |
1993 | 1 |
1997 | 1 |
2006 | 1 |
2008 | 3 |
2009 | 3 |
2010 | 7 |
2011 | 14 |
2012 | 7 |
2013 | 5 |
2014 | 3 |
2015 | 6 |
2016 | 4 |
2017 | 19 |
2018 | 11 |
2019 | 16 |
2020 | 11 |
2021 | 17 |
2022 | 7 |
2023 | 3 |
139 |
No | Journal Detail | Index | IF |
1 |
Muthana S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2023) Taguchi-Gray Relational Analysis Method for Parameter Tuning of Multi-objective Pareto Ant Colony System Algorithm, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 22, 2, 149--181, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
Scopus |
2 |
Almazini H., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Almazini H.F. (2023) Enhanced feature clustering method based on ant colony optimization for feature selection, International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Vol: 9, 1, 79--95, ISSN:24426571. (Published) |
Scopus |
3 |
Almazini H.F., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Almazini H. (2023) Heuristic Initialization Using Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm for Feature Selection in Intrusion Detection, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol: 16, 1, 410--418, ISSN:2185310X. (Published) |
Scopus |
4 |
Asroni, Hanafi M., Damarjati C., Zulfajri P., Biwada D.W., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2022) Arabic Pronunciation System Based on Padding Pre-Processing and Deep Learning Techniques, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol: 2499, , , ISSN:0094243X. (Published) |
Scopus |
5 |
Muthana S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2022) Tri-objective generator maintenance scheduling model based on sequential strategy, PLoS ONE, Vol: 17, 10 October, e0276225, ISSN:19326203. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
3.752 2022 |
6 |
Alwan H.B., Hamid Ahmed A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2022) Cancelable Face Biometric Verfication Algorithm Built on GoogLeNet and Characteristic Arbitrary Projection, ICSEC 2022 - International Computer Science and Engineering Conference 2022, Vol: , , 44--48, ISSN:9781665491983. (Published) |
Scopus |
7 |
Razali M.H.M., Saian R., Moktar B., Wah Y.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2022) Performance of ACO-based Decision Tree Algorithm with Imbalanced Class Data Sets - A Heuristic Approach, 2022 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences: Championing Innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences for Sustainable Future, AiDAS 2022 - Proceedings, Vol: , , 29--38, ISSN:9781665491648. (Published) |
Scopus |
8 |
Nasir H.J.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Kamioka E. (2022) Energy Efficient Ant Colony System for Packet Routing in Wireless Sensor Network, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol: 2312, 1, , ISSN:17426588. (Published) |
Scopus |
9 |
Muthana S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2022) Comparison of Multi-objective Optimization Methods for Generator Maintenance Scheduling, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol: 15, 4, 599--614, ISSN:2185310X. (Published) |
Scopus |
10 |
Petwan M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2022) A Review on Bio-inspired Optimization Method for Supervised Feature Selection, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol: 13, 5, 122--132, ISSN:2158107X. (Published) |
Scopus |
11 |
Jabbar A.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Grey wolf optimization algorithm for hierarchical document clustering, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol: 24, 3, 1744--1758, ISSN:25024752. (Published) |
Scopus |
12 |
Jabbar A.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Adaptive Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm with Neighborhood Search Operations: An Application for Traveling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol: 14, 6, 539--553, ISSN:2185310X. (Published) |
Scopus |
13 |
Muthana S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Generator Maintenance Scheduling Models for Electrical Power Systems: A Review, International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications, Vol: 10, 5, 307--318, ISSN:23192518. (Published) |
Scopus |
14 |
Yasear S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Fine-Tuning the Ant Colony System Algorithm Through Harris’s Hawk Optimizer for Travelling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol: 14, 4, 136--145, ISSN:2185310X. (Published) |
Scopus |
15 |
AL-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Fuzzy Unordered Rule Using Greedy Hill Climbing Feature Selection Method: An Application to Diabetes Classification, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 20, 3, 391--422, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
Scopus |
16 |
Almazini H., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Adaptive Technique for Feature Selection in Modified Graph Clustering-Based Ant Colony Optimization, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol: 14, 3, 332--345, ISSN:2185310X. (Published) |
Scopus |
17 |
Katuk N., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Kayat K., Abdul Hamid M.N., Zakaria N.H., Purbasari A. (2021) Halal certification for tourism marketing: the attributes and attitudes of food operators in Indonesia, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol: 12, 5, 1043--1062, ISSN:17590833. (Published) |
Scopus |
18 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., ChePa N., Omar M.H., Sharif S., Salleh F. (2021) Community perception on smart engagement: Case of Kubang Pasu local government, Baghdad Science Journal, Vol: 18, , 975--988, ISSN:20788665. (Published) |
Scopus |
19 |
Asroni A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Damarjati C., Slamat H.B. (2021) Arabic speech classification method based on padding and deep learning neural network, Baghdad Science Journal, Vol: 18, , 925--936, ISSN:20788665. (Published) |
Scopus |
20 |
Al-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Hybrid K-Nearest Neighbour and Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Divorce Classification, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 11, 4, 1447--1454, ISSN:20885334. (Published) |
Scopus |
21 |
Jabbar A.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Hybrid Black Widow Optimization and Variable Neighborhood Descent Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Systematic Innovation, Vol: 6, 5, 32--43, ISSN:20777973. (Published) |
Scopus |
22 |
Razali M.H.M., Saian R., Wah Y.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) An improved ACO-based decision tree algorithm for imbalanced datasets, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, Vol: 11, 4, 412--427, ISSN:20403607. (Published) |
Scopus |
23 |
Jabbar A.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2021) Improved Self-Adaptive ACS Algorithm to Determine the Optimal Number of Clusters, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 11, 3, 1092--1099, ISSN:20885334. (Published) |
Scopus |
24 |
Yasear S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Review of Multi-Objective Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithms, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 20, 2, 171--211, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
Scopus |
25 |
Almazini H., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) Grey Wolf Optimization Parameter Control for Feature Selection in Anomaly Detection, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol: 14, 2, 474--483, ISSN:2185310X. (Published) |
Scopus |
26 |
AL-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2021) Genetic-based Pruning Technique for Ant-Miner Classification Algorithm, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 11, 1, 304--311, ISSN:20885334. (Published) |
Scopus |
27 |
Mohd Razali M.H.B., Saian R.B., Wah Y.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2021) A class skew-insensitive ACO-based decision tree algorithm for imbalanced data sets, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol: 21, 1, 412--419, ISSN:25024752. (Published) |
Scopus |
28 |
Katuk N., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Zakaria N.H., Jabbar A.M. (2020) A scientometric analysis of the emerging topics in general computer science, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 19, 4, 583--622, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
Scopus |
29 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2020) Cancellable face template algorithm based on speeded-up robust features and winner-takes-all, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol: 79, 39-40, 28675--28693, ISSN:13807501. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
2.577 2022 |
30 |
Basim Alwan H., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2020) Big data: Definition, characteristics, life cycle, applications, and challenges, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 769, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published) |
Scopus |
31 |
Al-Behadili H.N.K., Sagban R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2020) Adaptive parameter control strategy for ant-miner classification algorithm, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol: 8, 1, 149--162, ISSN:20893272. (Published) |
Scopus |
32 |
Al-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2020) Hybrid ant colony optimization and iterated local search for rules-based classification, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 98, 4, 657--671, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
33 |
Yasear S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2020) Enhanced Non-dominated Sorting Harris's Hawk Multi-objective Optimizer, 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Computational Sciences, ICACS 2020, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781728142357. (Published) |
Scopus |
34 |
Yasear S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2020) Non-dominated Sorting Harris’s Hawk Multi-Objective Optimizer based on the Flush-and-Ambush Tactic, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 10, 6, 2311--2319, ISSN:20885334. (Published) |
Scopus |
35 |
AL-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2020) Hybrid ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm for rule induction, Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 16, 7, 1019--1028, ISSN:15493636. (Published) |
Scopus |
36 |
Siswanto A., Katuk N., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2020) Chaotic-based encryption algorithm using henon and logistic maps for fingerprint template protection, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, Vol: 12, 1, 1--9, ISSN:20760930. (Published) |
Scopus |
37 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2020) Cancellable Face Biometrics Template Using AlexNet, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 1174 CCIS, , 336--348, ISSN:18650929. (Published) |
Scopus |
38 |
Jabbar A.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2020) An improved ACS algorithm for data clustering, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol: 17, 3, 1506--1515, ISSN:25024752. (Published) |
Scopus |
39 |
Jabbar A.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2019) Modified ACS centroid memory for data clustering, Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 15, 10, 1439--1449, ISSN:15493636. (Published) |
Scopus |
40 |
Yasear S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Improved Harris's Hawk Multi-objective Optimizer Using Two-steps Initial Population Generation Method, 13th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2019 - Proceedings, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781728139005. (Published) |
Scopus |
41 |
Yasear S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Non-dominated sorting Harris’s hawk multi-objective optimizer based on reference point approach, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol: 15, 3, 1603--1614, ISSN:25024752. (Published) |
Scopus |
42 |
Jabbar A.M., Sagban R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Balancing exploration and exploitation in ACS algorithms for data clustering, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 97, 16, 4320--4333, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
43 |
Katuk N., Mahamud K.-.R.K., Zakaria N.H. (2019) A review of the current trends and future directions of camera barcode reading, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 97, 8, 2268--2288, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
44 |
M-Dawam S.R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Reservoir water level forecasting using normalization and multiple regression, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol: 14, 1, 443--449, ISSN:25024752. (Published) |
Scopus |
45 |
Abdul-Rahman S., Benjamin A.M., Ramli R., Ku-Mahamud K.-R., Omar M.F. (2019) Exploring fruit fly evolutionary algorithm in a university examination timetabling environment, ASM Science Journal, Vol: 12, SpecialIssue6, 94--100, ISSN:18236782. (Published) |
Scopus |
46 |
Ramli R., Miraz M.H., Mahamud K.-R.K., Omar M.F., Kayat K. (2019) Collaborative-based web recommender system for homestay program: A Bridging tool in a tourism supply chain, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol: 8, 6, 978--982, ISSN:20513771. (Published) |
Scopus |
47 |
Husin A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Designing multiple classifier combinations a survey, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 97, 20, 2386--2405, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
48 |
AL-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2019) Annealing strategy for an enhance rule pruning technique in ACO-based rule classification, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol: 16, 3, 1499--1507, ISSN:25024752. (Published) |
Scopus |
49 |
Bukhari S., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Morino H. (2019) Load balancing using dynamic ant colony system based fault tolerance in grid computing, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, Vol: 11, 2, 297--303, ISSN:20760930. (Published) |
Scopus |
50 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Omar M., Abu Bakar N.A., Muraina I.D. (2019) Awareness, trust, and adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency among blockchain communities in Malaysia, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 9, 4, 1217--1222, ISSN:20885334. (Published) |
Scopus |
51 |
Yasear S.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Taxonomy of memory usage in swarm intelligence-based metaheuristics, Baghdad Science Journal, Vol: 16, 2, 445--452, ISSN:20788665. (Published) |
Scopus |
52 |
Nasir H.J.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Kamioka E. (2019) Parameter adaptation for ant colony system in wireless sensor network, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 18, 2, 167--182, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
Scopus |
53 |
Katuk N., Zakaria N.H., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Mobile phone sensing using the built-in camera, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, Vol: 13, 2, 102--114, ISSN:18657923. (Published) |
Scopus |
54 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2019) Intelligent classification algorithms in enhancing the performance of support vector machine, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 97, 2, 644--657, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
55 |
Husin A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2018) Ant system and weighted voting method for multiple classifier systems, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol: 8, 6, 4705--4712, ISSN:20888708. (Published) |
Scopus |
56 |
Al-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2018) Ant colony optimization algorithm for rule-based classification: Issues and potential solutions, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 96, 21, 7139--7150, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
57 |
Ali N.R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2018) High-order rtv-fuzzy time series forecasting model based on trend variation, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 96, 21, 7151--7163, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
58 |
Katuk N., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Zakaria N.H., Maarof M.A. (2018) Implementation and recent progress in cloud-based smart home automation systems, ISCAIE 2018 - 2018 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, Vol: , , 71--77, ISSN:9781538635278. (Published) |
Scopus |
59 |
Jabbar A.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2018) Ant-based sorting and ACO-based clustering approaches: A review, ISCAIE 2018 - 2018 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, Vol: , , 217--223, ISSN:9781538635278. (Published) |
Scopus |
60 |
Al-Behadili H.N.K., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sagban R. (2018) Rule pruning techniques in the ant-miner classification algorithm and its variants: A review, ISCAIE 2018 - 2018 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, Vol: , , 78--84, ISSN:9781538635278. (Published) |
Scopus |
61 |
Siswanto A., Katuk N., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2018) Fingerprint template protection schemes: A literature review, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 96, 10, 2764--2781, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
62 |
Ahmad-Azami N.I., Yusoff N., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2018) Fuzzy discretization technique for Bayesian flood disaster model, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 17, 2, 167--189, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
Scopus |
63 |
Syed-Abdullah S.S., Abdul-Rahman S., Benjamin A.M., Wibowo A., Ku-Mahamud K.-R. (2018) Solving Quadratic Assignment Problem with Fixed Assignment (QAPFA) using Branch and Bound Approach, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 300, 1, --, ISSN:17578981. (Published) |
Scopus |
64 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Bakar N.A.A., Omar M. (2018) Blockchain, cryptocurrency and Fintech market growth in Malaysia, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol: 10, 14, 2074--2082, ISSN:1943023X. (Published) |
Scopus |
65 |
Nasir H.J.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Kamioka E. (2018) Enhanced ant colony system for reducing packet loss in wireless sensor network, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, Vol: 11, 1, 81--88, ISSN:20054262. (Published) |
Scopus |
66 |
Sagban R., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Bakar M.S.A. (2017) Unified strategy for intensification and diversification balance in ACO metaheuristic, ICIT 2017 - 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Proceedings, Vol: , , 139--143, ISSN:9781509063321. (Published) |
Scopus |
67 |
Shbier M.Z., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Othman M. (2017) SWGARCH model for time series forecasting, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781450352437. (Published) |
Scopus |
68 |
Othman R.B., Bakar M.S.A., Mahamud K.R.K. (2017) Public-private collaboration in spatial data infrastructure: Overview of exposure, acceptance and sharing platform in Malaysia, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol: 1891, , --, ISSN:0094243X. (Published) |
Scopus |
69 |
Mohamed S.F.P., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Ramli R., Abdullah K. (2017) Perceptions and use of e-mail among Universiti Utara Malaysia staff: A pilot study, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol: 1891, , --, ISSN:0094243X. (Published) |
Scopus |
70 |
Nasir H.J.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Kamioka E. (2017) Ant Colony Optimization approaches in wireless sensor network: Performance evaluation, Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 13, 6, 153--164, ISSN:15493636. (Published) |
Scopus |
71 |
Jamil N.S., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Din A.M., Ahmad F., ChePa N., Ishak W.H.W., Din R., Ahmad F.K. (2017) A subject identification method based on term frequency technique, International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, Vol: 7, 30, 103--110, ISSN:22497277. (Published) |
Scopus |
72 |
Idrus Z., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Benjamin A.M. (2017) Waste collection vehicle routing problem benchmark datasets and case studies: A review, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 95, 5, 1048--1057, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
73 |
Azami N.I.A., Yusoff N., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2017) Data acquisition and discretization for flood correlation model, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 95, 4, 879--889, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
74 |
Othman R.B., Mahamud K.R.B.K., Bakar M.S.B.A. (2017) Public private collaboration model in spatial data infrastructure: Potential elements, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol: 6, 3, 325--331, ISSN:20513771. (Published) |
Scopus |
75 |
Ismail S.N., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Abdul-Rahman S. (2017) A review on delivery routing problem and its approaches, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 95, 2, 367--380, ISSN:19928645. (Published) |
Scopus |
76 |
Sagban R., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Abu Bakar M.S. (2017) Reactive max-min ant system with recursive local search and its application to TSP and QAP, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol: 23, 1, 127--134, ISSN:10798587. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
3.401 2022 |
77 |
Bukhari S., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Morino H. (2017) Dynamic ACO-based fault tolerance in grid computing, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, Vol: 10, 12, 117--124, ISSN:20054262. (Published) |
Scopus |
78 |
Rahman R.A., Kendall G., Ramli R., Jamari Z., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2017) Shrimp Feed Formulation via Evolutionary Algorithm with Power Heuristics for Handling Constraints, Complexity, Vol: 2017, , --, ISSN:10762787. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
2.121 2022 |
79 |
Abdul Nasir H.J., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Kamioka E. (2017) Enhanced ant-based routing for improving performance of wireless sensor network, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, Vol: 9, 3, 386--392, ISSN:20760930. (Published) |
Scopus |
80 |
Ahmad F., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sainin M.S., Airuddin A. (2017) Segmentation method based on artificial bee colony for recognizing leaf lesion, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Vol: 9, 2-3, 103--107, ISSN:21801843. (Published) |
Scopus |
81 |
Mohamed S.F.P., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Ramli R., Abdullah K. (2017) Perception and use of e-mail: A case study in universiti utara Malaysia, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Vol: 9, 2-12, 29--35, ISSN:21801843. (Published) |
Scopus |
82 |
Bukhari S., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Morino H. (2017) Fault tolerance grid scheduling with checkpoint based on Ant Colony System, Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 13, 8, 363--370, ISSN:15493636. (Published) |
Scopus |
83 |
Miraz M.H., Ramli R., Mahamud K.-R.K. (2017) Collaborative web recommender framework for homestay programs, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 12, 6, 1575--1581, ISSN:1816949X. (Published) |
Scopus |
84 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2017) Mixed-variable ant colony optimisation algorithm for feature subset selection and tuning support vector machine parameter, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, Vol: 9, 1, 53--63, ISSN:17580366. (Published) |
Scopus |
85 |
M-Dawam S.R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2016) Predictive modelling for reservoir water level, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol: 11, 9, 851--857, ISSN:1815932X. (Published) |
Scopus |
86 |
Abdullah, Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2016) Ant system-based feature set partitioning algorithm for classifier ensemble construction, International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol: 11, 3, 176--184, ISSN:18169503. (Published) |
Scopus |
87 |
Nasir H.J.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2016) Wireless sensor network: A bibliographical survey, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol: 9, 38, --, ISSN:9746846. (Published) |
Scopus |
88 |
Abd Rahman R., Ramli R., Jamari Z., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2016) Evolutionary algorithm with roulette-tournament selection for solving aquaculture diet formulation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol: 2016, , --, ISSN:1024123X. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
1.430 2022 |
89 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2015) Hybrid ant colony system and flower pollination algorithms for global optimization, 2015 9th International Conference on IT in Asia: Transforming Big Data into Knowledge, CITA 2015 - Proceedings, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781479999392. (Published) |
Scopus |
90 |
Alobaedy M.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2015) Strategic oscillation for exploitation and exploration of ACS algorithm for job scheduling in static grid computing, 2015 2nd International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management, ICCTIM 2015, Vol: , , 87--92, ISSN:9781479962112. (Published) |
Scopus |
91 |
Wan Ishak W.H., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Md Norwawi N. (2015) Modelling of human expert decision making in reservoir operation, Jurnal Teknologi, Vol: 77, 22, 1--5, ISSN:1279696. (Published) |
Scopus |
92 |
Ashaary N.A., Wan Ishak W.H., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2015) Neural network application in the change of reservoir water level stage forecasting, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol: 8, 13, --, ISSN:9746846. (Published) |
Scopus |
93 |
Sagban R., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Abu Bakar M.S. (2015) ACO ustic: A nature-inspired exploration indicator for ant colony optimization, Scientific World Journal, Vol: 2015, , --, ISSN:23566140. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
1.219 2013 |
94 |
Ahmad F., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sainin M.S., Airuddin A. (2015) Leaf Lesion Classification (LLC) algorithm based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 10, 3, 1311--1315, ISSN:18196608. (Published) |
Scopus |
95 |
Sagban R., Ku Mahamud K.R., Abu Bakar M.S. (2014) Reactive memory model for ant colony optimization and its application to TSP, Proceedings - 4th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2014, Vol: , , 310--315, ISSN:9781479956869. (Published) |
Scopus |
96 |
Alobaedy M.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2014) Scheduling jobs in computational grid using hybrid ACS and GA approach, Proceedings - 2014 IEEE Computers, Communications and IT Applications Conference, ComComAp 2014, Vol: , , 223--228, ISSN:9781479948116. (Published) |
Scopus |
97 |
Ku Mahamud K.R., Din A.M., Pa N.C., Ahmad F., Wan Ishak W.E., Ahmad F.K., Din R. (2014) Object-based knowledge representation of female related issues from the holy Quran, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 13, 1, 145--161, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
Scopus |
98 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2013) Formulating new enhanced pattern classification algorithms based on ACO-SVM, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol: 7, 7, 700--707, ISSN:19980140. (Published) |
Scopus |
99 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2013) Feature selection and model selection algorithm using incremental mixed variable ant colony optimization for support vector machine classifier, International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol: 7, 5, 406--414, ISSN:19980159. (Published) |
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100 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2013) Solving SVM model selection problem using ACOR and IACOR, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol: 12, 9, 355--365, ISSN:11092750. (Published) |
Scopus |
101 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2013) Solving support vector machine model selection problem using continuous ant colony optimization, International Journal of Information Processing and Management, Vol: 4, 2, 86--97, ISSN:20934009. (Published) |
Scopus |
102 |
Alobaedy M.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2013) Ant colony system with heuristic function for the travelling salesman problem, Journal of Next Generation Information Technology, Vol: 4, 2, 39--48, ISSN:20928637. (Published) |
Scopus |
103 |
Din A.M., Yusof Y., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Mahmuddin M. (2012) Job shop rescheduling using a hybrid artificial immune systems and genetic algorithm model, Proceedings - 2012 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCIT, ICEI and ICACT), ICCCT 2012, Vol: , , 684--688, ISSN:9788994364216. (Published) |
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104 |
Alobaedy M.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2012) New heuristic function in ant colony system for the travelling salesman problem, Proceedings - 2012 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCIT, ICEI and ICACT), ICCCT 2012, Vol: , , 965--969, ISSN:9788994364216. (Published) |
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105 |
Alwan H.B., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2012) Optimizing support vector machine parameters using continuous ant colony optimization, Proceedings - 2012 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCIT, ICEI and ICACT), ICCCT 2012, Vol: , , 164--169, ISSN:9788994364216. (Published) |
Scopus |
106 |
Musa W., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Yasin A. (2012) Hybrid optimization approach to estimate random demand, 2012 International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICCIS 2012 - A Conference of World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress, ESTCON 2012 - Conference Proceedings, Vol: 1, , 474--479, ISSN:9781467319386. (Published) |
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107 |
Saian R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2012) Ant colony optimization for rule induction with simulated annealing for terms selection, Proceedings - 2012 14th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, UKSim 2012, Vol: , , 33--38, ISSN:9780769546827. (Published) |
Scopus |
108 |
Abdullah F., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Ahmad F., Ghani N.F.A., Kasim M.M. (2012) Relative efficiency assessment of projects using data envelopment analysis: A case study, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Vol: 6, 9, 310--318, ISSN:19759339. (Published) |
Scopus |
109 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Ahmad F., Kasim M.M., Ghani N.F.A., Abdullah F. (2012) Performance modeling of projects with multi-variate input and an output using data envelopment analysis, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Vol: 9, 2, 100--115, ISSN:11099526. (Published) |
Scopus |
110 |
Din A.M., Ahmad F., Mohsin M.F.M., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Theab M.M. (2011) Face recognition for remote database backup system, Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT 2011, Vol: , , 288--292, ISSN:9788988678541. (Published) |
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111 |
Ahmad F., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Din A.M., Mohsin M.F.M. (2011) Dimensional ranking and reduction approach for finding optimal stock price influencing factors: An empirical study, Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT 2011, Vol: , , 788--791, ISSN:9788988678541. (Published) |
Scopus |
112 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Ahmad F., Ghani N.F.A., Kasim M.M., Abdullah F. (2011) Relative efficiency assessment of projects using data envelopment analysis, Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT 2011, Vol: , , 324--328, ISSN:9788988678541. (Published) |
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113 |
Mohsin M.F.M., Ahmad F., Din A.M., Mahamud K.R.K., Din R. (2011) Weakest integrity traits identification of teachers using association rule mining, Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT 2011, Vol: , , 385--389, ISSN:9788988678541. (Published) |
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114 |
Mohsin M.F.M., Ahmad F., Din A.M., Mahamud K.R.K., Din R. (2011) An intelligent trainee selection model, Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT 2011, Vol: , , 390--393, ISSN:9788988678541. (Published) |
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115 |
Taiwo A.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Sajat M.S.B. (2011) Locating bottleneck nodes on a large wired local area network, 2011 National Postgraduate Conference - Energy and Sustainability: Exploring the Innovative Minds, NPC 2011, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781457718847. (Published) |
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116 |
Saian R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2011) Hybrid ant colony optimization and simulated annealing for rule induction, Proceedings - UKSim 5th European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, EMS 2011, Vol: , , 70--75, ISSN:9780769546193. (Published) |
Scopus |
117 |
Mahamud K.R.K., Ghani N.F.A., Ahmad F., Kasim M.M., Abdullah F. (2011) Data envelopment analysis implementation in producing the projection of inefficient IT projects, Proceedings - UKSim 5th European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, EMS 2011, Vol: , , 214--219, ISSN:9780769546193. (Published) |
Scopus |
118 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Din A.M., Nasir H.J.A. (2011) Enhancement of ant colony optimization for grid load balancing, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol: 64, 1, 44--52, ISSN:1450216X. (Published) |
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119 |
Wan Ishak W.H., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Md Norwawi N. (2011) Intelligent decision support model based on neural network to support reservoir water release decision, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 179 CCIS, PART 1, 365--379, ISSN:18650929. (Published) |
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120 |
Al-Abiachi A.M., Ahmad F., Ruhana K. (2011) A competitive study of cryptography techniques over block cipher, Proceedings - 2011 UKSim 13th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, UKSim 2011, Vol: , , 415--419, ISSN:9780769543765. (Published) |
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121 |
Al-Abiachi A.M., Ahmad F., Ruhana K. (2011) A conceptual design of novel modern random key-stream generator for high immunity correlation attack, Proceedings - 2011 UKSim 13th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, UKSim 2011, Vol: , , 399--402, ISSN:9780769543765. (Published) |
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122 |
Rahim R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2011) Optimizing workload allocation in a network of heterogeneous computers, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol: 10, , 1--13, ISSN:1675414X. (Published) |
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123 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Kasim M.M., Abd. Ghani N.F., Abdullah F. (2011) An efficiency analysis of projects using DEA, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol: 52, 4, 476--486, ISSN:1450216X. (Published) |
Scopus |
124 |
Nasir H.J.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Din A.M. (2010) Load balancing using enhanced ant algorithm in grid computing, Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, CIMSim 2010, Vol: , , 160--165, ISSN:9780769542621. (Published) |
Scopus |
125 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Ghani N.F.A., Kasim M.M., Abdullah F. (2010) Efficiency measurement model of projects using DEA, Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, CIMSim 2010, Vol: , , 81--85, ISSN:9780769542621. (Published) |
Scopus |
126 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Abdul Nasir H.J. (2010) Ant Colony algorithm for job scheduling in grid computing, AMS2010: Asia Modelling Symposium 2010 - 4th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, Vol: , , 40--45, ISSN:9780769540627. (Published) |
Scopus |
127 |
Saian R., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2010) Comparison of attribute selection methods for web texts categorization, 2nd International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, ICCNT 2010, Vol: , , 115--118, ISSN:9780769540429. (Published) |
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128 |
Nasir H.J.A., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2010) Grid load balancing using ant colony optimization, 2nd International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, ICCNT 2010, Vol: , , 207--211, ISSN:9780769540429. (Published) |
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129 |
Aljanaby A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Norwawi N.Md. (2010) An exploration technique for the interacted multiple ant colonies optimization framework, ISMS 2010 - UKSim/AMSS 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, Vol: , , 92--95, ISSN:9780769539737. (Published) |
Scopus |
130 |
Aljanaby A., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Norwawi N.Md. (2010) Revisiting the pheromone evaluation mechanism in the interacted multiple ant colonies optimization framework, Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA 2010, Vol: , , 12--15, ISSN:9780889868182. (Published) |
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131 |
Djamarus D., Ku-Mahamud K.R. (2009) Heuristic factors in ant system algorithm for course timetabling problem, ISDA 2009 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Vol: , , 232--236, ISSN:9780769538723. (Published) |
Scopus |
132 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Zakaria N., Katuk N., Shbier M. (2009) Flood pattern detection using sliding window technique, Proceedings - 2009 3rd Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, AMS 2009, Vol: , , 45--50, ISSN:9780769536484. (Published) |
Scopus |
133 |
Katuk N., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Norwawi N., Deris S. (2009) Web-based support system for flood response operation in Malaysia, Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, Vol: 18, 3, 327--337, ISSN:9653562. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
1.813 2022 |
134 |
Djamarus D., Ku R.K.-M. (2008) Ant system algorithm with negative pheromone for course scheduling problem, Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2008, Vol: 2, , 319--324, ISSN:9780769533827. (Published) |
Scopus |
135 |
Sediyono A., Ku Mahamud K.R. (2008) Algorithm of the longest commonly consecutive word for plagiarism detection in text based document, 3rd International Conference on Digital Information Management, ICDIM 2008, Vol: , , 253--259, ISSN:9781424429172. (Published) |
Scopus |
136 |
Othman M., Ku-Mahamud K.R., Abu Bakar A. (2008) Fuzzy evaluation method using fuzzy rule approach in multicriteria analysis, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Vol: 18, 1, 95--107, ISSN:3540243. (Published) |
Scopus |
137 |
Katuk N., Ku Mahamud K.R., Norwawi N., Deris S. (2006) Web-based support system for flood response operation, Proceedings - 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2006 Workshops Proceedings), Vol: , , 169--171, ISSN:769527493. (Published) |
Scopus |
138 |
Mahamud K.R.K., Othman N., Norwawi N.M. (1997) Current practices in information systems development tools and techniques, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 10, 1, 27--35, ISSN:1279084. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
0.436 2022 |
139 |
Ku-Mahamud K.R., Othman A.T. (1993) Model reduction of general queueing networks, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol: 24, 1, 183--192, ISSN:207721. (Published) |
Web of Science (SCIE) |
2.648 2022 |
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