CV - Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin( PhD, University of Birmingham , United Kingdom)Associate ProfessorEmail: Faculty of Education, Social Science and Islamic Studies (FESSIS) Programme: PhD in Islamic Studies CV Online: |
Year awarded | Qualification | University | Country |
1993 |
PhD of Theology (by Research)
Contemporary Qur'anic Exegesis |
Birmingham University | United Kingdom |
1990 |
Comparative Religious Studies
Christian-Muslim Relation |
The Islamic Foundation, Marfield Conference Centre, Leicestershire | United Kingdom |
1981 |
Advance Diploma
Islamic Studies |
The Institute for Islamic Studies | Egypt |
Indexed Articles
Displaying 34 records.Publication Year | Articles |
2003 | 1 |
2005 | 3 |
2006 | 3 |
2007 | 2 |
2010 | 1 |
2012 | 4 |
2013 | 6 |
2016 | 2 |
2017 | 7 |
2018 | 3 |
2019 | 1 |
2022 | 1 |
34 |
No | Journal Detail | Index | IF |
1 |
Aras Z., Solihin S.M. (2022) POLITICAL EXEGESIS OF THE HOLY QUR’AN [التفسير السياسي للقرآن الكريم رؤ ية عقليةّ نقديةّ], Al-Jami'ah, Vol: 60, 1, 287--314, ISSN:0126012X. (Published) |
Scopus |
2 |
Suhayl and Sohirin Muhammad Solihin (2019) Traditionalist Orientation in Translating the Qur'an: Critical Appraisal of Fath al-Rahman fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, Journal of Islamic Insight, Vol: 2, 2, 22, ISSN:Un-Identified. (Published) |
Other index |
3 |
Ali M.M., Solihin S.M., Haque M.F. (2018) Empowerment of women: An analytical study from the islamic perspective, Islamic Quarterly, Vol: 62, 2, 303--334, ISSN:211842. (Published) |
Scopus |
4 |
Sohirin Muhammad Solihin and Naser Yousef (2018) Difaan an al-Islam al-ladhi Usia Fahmuhu: Mohammad Nastir fi Uyun al-Alam (In Defense of Islam which was Misunderstood by People: Views of Mohammad Natsir, al-Wihdah, Vol: 0, 14, 20, ISSN:un-identified. (Published) |
Other index |
5 |
Sohirin Muhammad Solihin and Muhammad Nor Osmani (2018) Communication Ethics from the Qur'anic Perspective: An Analysis of Selected Contemporary Exegesis, Hamdar Islamicus, Vol: 41, 1-2, 25, ISSN:27898490. (Published) |
Other index |
6 |
Suhayl and Sohirin Muhammad Solihin (2017) Translability of the Qur'an: An analysis and Theological Element, Islamic Insight, Vol: 1, 2, 25, ISSN:Un-Identified. (Published) |
Other index |
7 |
Sohirin Muhammad Solihin and Naser Youseph (2017) Tasawwur al-Mufakkir al-Andusi, Muhammad Natsir li al-Tarbiyyah al-Islamiyyah (Concept of Islamic Education in the hands of Indonesian Thinker, Muhammad Natsir), Majallah al-Dirasah fi Ulum al-Tarbiyyah, Vol: 2, 3, 24, ISSN:2600-6529. (Published) |
Other index |
8 |
Sohirin Muhammad Solihin (2017) Al-Siyahah wa Alaqotuha bi Tarwih al-Nafs (Tourism and its Relation with Consoling the Soul , Ma'had Islam al-Ma'rifah, Vol: 16, 2, 35, ISSN:Un-Identified. (Published) |
Other index |
9 |
Sohirin Muhammad Solihin (2017) Sociological Discourse in the Qur'an: Human Relation from Sociological Establishment, Indonesian Journal for Interdiciplinary Islamic Studies, Vol: 1, 1, 22, ISSN:2615-5184. (Published) |
Other index |
10 |
Ahmad Hasan and Sohirin Muhammad Solihin (2017) Diyafah an Huquq al-Insan fi Daw al-Qur'an wa al-Sunnah (Hospitality as Constituents of Human Right in the Light of Prophetic Tradition, Journal Islam in Asia, Vol: 14, 1, 25, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published) |
Other index |
11 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2017) Rationalism and Criticism in the Qur'an: An Analytical Study from the Books of Tafsir, Al-Burhan, Vol: 1, 1, 18, ISSN:un-identified. (Published) |
Other index |
12 |
Haziah binti Husein and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2017) Issue-issue Dakwah dalam Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim, Al-Hikmah, Vol: 9, 2, 15, ISSN:2462-1242. (Published) |
Other index |
13 |
Ayshah Mirghani and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2016) Min Maqasid al-Siyahah fi Daw al-Qur'an al-Karim: Al-Tadabur wa I'mal al-Aql (Glimps from Purpose of Tourism in the Light of the Qur'an: Pondering and the Application of the Mind), Tajdid, Vol: 20, 39A, 20, ISSN:2600-9606. (Published) |
Other index |
14 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2016) Ta'sis al-Dawlah al-Muslimah bayn al-Tumuhat wa al-Jahl: Dirasah an Jamaah al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah fi Andunisa wa Mawaqifuha tujah al-ayat al-Qur'aniyyah (Establishment of Government between Understanding and Ignorance: Jamaah al-Hijrah wa Takfir in Indonesia and its Dealing with Verses of the Qur'an, Tajdid, Vol: 20, 40, 26, ISSN:2600-9609. (Published) |
Other index |
15 |
Hussin H., Solihin S.M. (2013) Manhaj haraki in the revival of quranic exegesis, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol: 16, 1, 9--17, ISSN:19909233. (Published) |
Scopus |
16 |
Solihin S.M., Jassem L.S., Osmani N.M., Abbas E., Jani M.S. (2013) Interfaith dialogue between ethics and necessity - A study from the Qur'anic guidelines, Asian Social Science, Vol: 9, 3, 97--106, ISSN:19112017. (Published) |
Scopus |
17 |
Solihin S.M., Ishak M.S.B.H. (2013) Integrated education of Mohammad Natsir in Indonesia, Islamic Quarterly, Vol: 57, 3, 235--248, ISSN:211842. (Published) |
Scopus |
18 |
Haziah binti Husein and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2013) The Approach of Sheikh Said Hawa in the Interpretation Verses of Faith, Islamiyat, Vol: 35, 2, 16, ISSN:0126-5636. (Published) |
Other index |
19 |
Haziah binti Husein and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2013) The Approach of Sheikh Said Hawa in the Interpretation Verses of Faith, Islamiyat, Vol: 35, 2, 16, ISSN:0126-5636. (Published) |
Other index |
20 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2013) Sociological Discourse in the Qur'an: Human Relition from Perspective of Sociological Establishment, Journal Islam in Asia, Vol: 0, 12, 22, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published) |
Other index |
21 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin and Naser Youseph (2012) Al-Mashad al-Librali wa Thaqafi wa al-Iqtisadi fi Indonesia: Phenomena of Liberalism in Indonesia in the Context of Economi and Culture, al-Muslim al-Muasir, Vol: 0, 144, 25, ISSN:Un-identified. (Published) |
Other index |
22 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2012) Great Muslim Physician and Islamic Jurists: Potrait of Ibn Nafis, Revelation and Science, Vol: 2, 2, 20, ISSN:2229-9947. (Published) |
Other index |
23 |
Ishak M.S.B.H., Solihin S.M. (2012) Islam and Media, Asian Social Science, Vol: 8, 7, 263--269, ISSN:19112017. (Published) |
Scopus |
24 |
Hussin H., Solihin S.M. (2012) THE DYNAMIC METHODOLOGY in the QUR'ANIC EXEGESIS between ORIGINALITY and RENEWAL, AlBayan, Vol: 10, 2, 69--95, ISSN:22321950. (Published) |
Scopus |
25 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2010) The Attitude of Liberal Thought in Indonesia toward the Qur'an: Study on its Rise and Forms of Its Spread, Tajdid, Vol: 14, 28, 28, ISSN:1823-1926. (Published) |
Other index |
26 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2007) Woman and Politic: Polemic over Female Head of State in Islamic Thought, Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, Vol: 1, 1, 25, ISSN:2232-1047. (Published) |
Other index |
27 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2007) Islam in the Midst of Democratization: Participation of Indonesian Muslim Parties in the Election, Journal Studies on Islam, Vol: 2, 2, 22, ISSN:Unidentified. (Published) |
Other index |
28 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2006) Qur'an and the Liberal Exegesis on Equality of Religion, Kuliyah of Revealed Knowledge and Human Science Research Bulletin, Vol: 2, 3, 6, ISSN:0128-8121. (Published) |
Other index |
29 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2006) Tracing Religious Extremism in Indonesia, Journal of lslam in Asia, Vol: 3, 2, 22, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published) |
Other index |
30 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2006) East Asia and Challenge of Globalization: The Role of Monotheistic Religion in Maintining Values and Identity, Center for Interdiciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions, Vol: 3, 2, 18, ISSN:NO. (Published) |
Other index |
31 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2005) Law Enforcement in Indonesia: Views on Head of Representatives Council's Judicial Process , Journal Studies on Islam, Vol: 2, 2, 22, ISSN:0264-0473. (Published) |
Other index |
32 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2005) Eradication of Poverty: Methodological Framework of Qur'anic Exegesis, Mazhab: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Hukum Islam, Vol: 2, 3, 20, ISSN:2715-9698. (Published) |
Other index |
33 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2005) Hakimiyyah as Appeared in Fi Zilal al-Qur'an: Views of Sayyid Qutb on Islamic Governmental Order, Journal of Islam in Asia, Vol: 2, 1, 25, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published) |
Other index |
34 |
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin (2003) Islam and Theory of Government: Views of Mohammad Natsir, Muslim Educational Quarterly (Cambridge), Vol: 3, 4, 30, ISSN: 0267-615X. (Published) |
Other index |
Displaying 18 records.No | Cover book | Book Detail | Involvement |
1 |
![]() |
In Memoir: Journey Beyond the Frontiers, Memburu Mutiara Hikmah Lintas Geografis Sohirin Muhammad Solihin
(2023), ISBN:978623484, Idea Press, Jogyakarta.Language: Bahasa Indonesia source link |
First author |
2 |
![]() |
محمد ناصر رئيس وزراء أندونسيا: السيرة الفكرية والمسيرة السياسية ٍSohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2020), ISBN:9786035092937, Obeikan, Riyadh.Language: Bahasa Arab source link |
First author |
3 |
![]() |
Muhammad Quresih Shihab wa Manhajuhu fi Tafsir al-Misbah (Methodology of Sheikh Quresih Shihab in Giving Interpretation of the Qur'an) Abdul Qadir, Sohirin Mohammad Solihi
(2018), ISBN:2652509235, IIUM.Language: Bahasa Arab source link |
Co-author |
4 |
![]() |
Sheikh Ahmad Hasan wa Manhajuhu fi Tafsir (Methodology of Ahmad Hasan in His Interpretation of the Qur'an) Edward Mawfur, Sohirin Mohammad Solihn
(2018), ISBN:978509136, IIUM.Language: Bahasa Arab source link |
Co-author |
5 |
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Qadaya Muasirah fi Tafsir Sheikh Hasbi Assidiqui min Khilal Tafsir al-Nur (Contemporary Issues within Tafsir Hasbi al-Siddiqui) Mohammad Shahrizal Razali, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2018), ISBN:978509136, IIUM.Language: Bahasa Arab source link |
Co-author |
6 |
![]() |
Science of Asbab al-Nuzul and its Impact on al-Wahidi's Exegetical Thought Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017), ISBN:9763509237, IIUM.Language: English source link |
First author |
7 |
![]() |
Theoretical Framework of Da'wah in the Qur'an: Analytical Study from Surah Yusuf Muhammad Yususf, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017), ISBN:978509237, IIUM.Language: Bahasa Arab source link |
Co-author |
8 |
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Diyafah wa Atharuha fi Tanmiyyah al-Ijtima'iyyah fi Daw Sunnah (Hospitality and its Impact in Social Development in the Light of Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah) Muhammad Hasan, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017), ISBN:2653509235, IIUM.Language: Bahasa Arab source link |
Co-author |
9 |
![]() |
Mohammad Natsir: Activism and Intellectualism in Modern Age Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2013), ISBN:9789674182410, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Press.Language: English source link |
First author |
10 |
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Tawhid, Humanity and Civilization: Exploratory Study from the Qur'an Sohirin Mohammad Solihin, Mohd Shuhaimi Bin Haji Ishak
(2013), ISBN:9789674182472, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Press.Language: English source link |
First author |
11 |
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Sayyid Qutb's Fi Zilal al-Qur'an: A Study on Selected Theme Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2010), ISBN:978967527229, International Islamic University (IIUM) Press.Language: English source link |
First author |
12 |
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الإسلام والفكر الليبرالي في أندونيسيا: النشأة والتطور Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2010), ISBN:9789675272684, International Islamic University (IIUM) Press.Language: Bahasa Arab source link |
First author |
13 |
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Emergence and Development of Liberal Islam in Indonesia Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2009), ISBN:9789833855926, International Islamic University (IIUM) Press.Language: English source link |
First author |
14 |
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Islamic Da'wah: Theory and Practice Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2008), ISBN:9789833855455, International Islamic University Press (IIUM).Language: English source link |
First author |
15 |
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Islam and Politic: Emergence of Reformative Movement in Indonesia Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2006), ISBN:9832957613, Research Centre, International Islamic University Press (IIUM).Language: English source link |
First author |
16 |
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The History the Qur'anic text from revelation to compilation:a comparative study with the old and New Testaments = sejarah teks Al-Qur'an dari wahyu sampai kompilasi :M.M. Al-Azami Hari Wibowo, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2005), ISBN:9795619373, Gema Insani Press, Jakarta.Language: Bahasa Indonesia source link |
Co-author |
17 |
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Ibn Taimiyyah: His Life, Dedication and Scholarly Works Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2004), ISBN:968508135, Hikmah Enterprise.Language: English source link |
First author |
18 |
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Copts and Muslims in Egypt: A Study on Harmony and Hostility Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(1991), ISBN:0860372073, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, United Kingdom.Language: English source link |
First author |
Chapter in Book
Displaying 1 records.No | Cover book | Chapter in Book | Involvement |
1 |
![]() |
The Meaning and Responsibility of Doing Dawah
(Sohirin Muhammad Solihin)
inHandbook of Islamic Dawah
(Mohd Yusof Husein)2011, ISBN: 9789674184100, IIUM PRESS. |
Co-author |
Article in Proceedings
Displaying 41 records.Other Publications
Displaying 48 records.B. RESEARCH AND INNOVATION
Displaying 11 records.Involvement | Involved as |
Project leader | 11 |
No | Project Title | Start | End | Involvement | Category | Funding (MYR) |
1 |
[IIIT 2019-2021] Integration of Science with Revelation: Exploratory Study from the Qur'an |
15/1/2019 | 15/12/2021 | Project leader |
International (USA) |
10,000 |
2 |
[NRGS 2014-19] Maqasid Shariah in Halal and Hospitality Services |
15/1/2014 | 15/1/2019 | Project leader |
International (Malaysia) |
502,000 |
3 |
[IIIT 2013-2016] Halal Governance: Islamic Perspectives and Legal Framework in Food and Pharmaceuticals |
20/1/2013 | 20/1/2016 | Project leader |
International |
65,000 |
4 |
[Endowment Type A 2010] Methods of Criticism in the Light of the Qur'an: An Analytical Study on Views of Tafsir and Contemporary Muslim Scholars |
20/1/2010 | 20/12/2010 | Project leader |
University |
5 |
[Endowment Type A 2009] The Attitudes of Liberal Thoughts toward the Legal Text of the Qur'an: Analyticl Study on Development Emergence of Liberalism in Indonesia |
10/8/2009 | 10/12/2009 | Project leader |
University |
5,000 |
6 |
[Endowment Type A 2009] Mahdism as Appeared within the Books of Tafsir: Views of Sunni Scholars |
15/1/2009 | 15/7/2009 | Project leader |
University |
5,000 |
7 |
[Endowment Type A 2008] Peaceful Co-Existence accross Faithful Boundaries: Views of Quranic Exegesis |
20/7/2008 | 20/12/2008 | Project leader |
University |
5,000 |
8 |
[Endowment Type A 2007] Islam and Theory of Government: An Analytical Study on Views of Mohammad Natsir |
20/1/2007 | 20/12/2007 | Project leader |
University |
5,000 |
9 |
[Endowment Type A 2006] Religious Conflict in Poso: An Analytical Study on Causes and Consequences |
15/7/2005 | 15/12/2005 | Project leader |
University |
10 |
[Endowment Type A 2005] Female Head of State: An Analytical Study on Views of Indonesian Muslim Scholars |
5/1/2005 | 5/12/2005 | Project leader |
University |
5,000 |
11 |
[Endowment Type A 2006] Education and Religion in Indonesa: Response of Muslim and Christian Leaders toward National Curriculum |
10/1/2005 | 10/6/2005 | Project leader |
University |
5,000 |
607,000 |
No innovation records found.
Displaying 28 records.No | Supervision | Student | Status |
1 | Supervisor |
Abdullah Abd al-Jabbar al-Juburi
Halal wa al-Siyahah fi Daw al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah: Dawlah al-Imarah al-Muttahidah al-Arabiyyah Admudhdzan (Halal Tourism in the Light of Sunnah: UAE Model) |
Completed 2020 |
2 | Supervisor |
Ali Rahman
The Impact of Halal Acts in Human Health: Analytical Study from the Qur'an and Sunnah |
Completed 2020 |
3 | Supervisor |
Muhammad Faizul Haque
Empowerment of Women in the Qur'an: An Analytical Study
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM |
Completed 2020 |
4 | Supervisor |
Irfanul Hakim
Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani wa Mawaqifuhu min Ayat al-Jihad fi Tafsirihi Mirah Labih li ma'na al-Qur'an al-Majid (Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani and His Stance toward Ayat al-Jihad within His Tafsir Mirah Labib li Ma'na al-Qur'an al-Majid) |
Completed 2020 |
5 | Supervisor |
Muhammad Diya al-Hafidhz bin Fatah Yasin
The Objective of the Qur'an on Hospitality Services: A Study on the Application within Grand Puteri Hotel in Trengganu |
Completed 2018 |
6 | Supervisor |
Sobah Mirghani Uthman
al-Siyahah wa al-Halal al-Diyafah: Ru'yah al-Qur'aniyyah fi Daw al-Waqai al-Muasir (Halal Tourism and Hospitality: Quranic View in the Light of Contemporary Reality) |
Completed 2016 |
7 | Supervisor |
Hjh Sarina Haji Yahya
Al-Dirasah al-Qur'aniyyah fi Madrasah al-Thanawiyyah fi al-Manahij al-Dirasiyyah fi Sultanah Brunei Dar al-Salam (Quranic Studies within Secondary School of Sultanate Brunei Dar al-Salam) |
Completed 2016 |
8 | Supervisor |
Jamila Abdullahi Mohamed
Qadaya al-Mar'ah fi Tafsir al-Tawhidi li Doktur Abdullah Hasan al-Turabi: Dirasah Tahliliyyah (Women Issues within Tafsir of Daktur Hasan al-Turabi: An analytical Study) |
Completed 2015 |
9 | Supervisor |
Ahmad Muhammad Hasan
Al-Karam wa Diyafah fi Daw al-Qur'an wa Sunnah (Courtesy and Hospitality in the Light of Qur'an and Prophetic Tradition) |
Completed 2015 |
10 | Supervisor |
Muhammad Shahrizal Razali
Qadaya al-Tafsiriyyah fi Tafsir Sheikh Mohammad Hasbi al-Siddiqui (Issues within Tafsir Mohammad Hasbi al-Siddiqui: An Analytical Study) |
Completed 2013 |
11 | Supervisor |
Salihah Huwaydah al-Matrafi
Qadaya al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah fi Tafsir Imam Wahidi wa Ibn Asyur: Dirasah Muqaranah (Issues of Muslim Women within Tafsir al-Wahidi and Ibn Asyur: Comparative Study) |
Completed 2013 |
12 | Supervisor |
Haziah binti Husin
Manhaj al-Haraki fi Tafsir Said Hawa: Dirasalh Tahliliyyah (Method of Islamic Movement within Tafsir Said Hawwa: Analytical Study |
Completed 2013 |
13 | Supervisor |
Nadrah Ahmad
Trio Malay Exegetes of the Qur'an
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM |
Completed 2012 |
14 | Supervisor |
Timezghine Mohammad
Al-Tahlil bi Asma al-Husna fi al-Qur'an al-Karim wa Atharuhu fi Maqasid al-Qur'aniyyah (Rationalization with the Beutiful Names of Allah and its Impact on Objectives of the Qur'an) |
Completed 2012 |
15 | Co- Supervisor |
Muhammad Arif bin Nazri
Shuyukh al-Imam al-Bayhaqi fi al-Sunan al-Kubra: Dirasah al-Naqdiyyah (The Teachers of Imam al-Bayhaqi fi Sunan al-Kubra: An Analytical Study) |
Completed 2010 |
16 | Supervisor |
Zahrul Fata Solihin
al-Ittijah al-Liberaliyyah wa maqqifuhu tujah al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah (Liberal Orientation and their attitudes toward Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) |
Completed 2010 |
17 | Supervisor |
Muhammad Najib Abdul Kadir
Tafsir Misbah li Sheikh Muhammad Quresih Shihab: Dirasah Tahliliyyah al-Naqdiyyah (Tafsir Misbah li Sheikh Quresih Shihab: Analytical and Critical Study) |
Completed 2006 |
18 | Supervisor |
Norbani binti Ismail
Qadaya Mar'ah bayn Tafsiray al-Sheikh Mutawwali Mutawwali Sha'rawi wa Ustadz Hamka: Dirasah Muqaranah (Muslim Women Issues within the Interpretation of Sheikh Mutawwali Sha'rawi and Hamka: Comperative Study) |
Completed 2004 |
19 | Supervisor |
Nazirah binti Ahmad
The Influence of Tafsir al-Manar on Malay Qur'anic Exegesis with Special Reference to Tafsir al-Hakeem by Sheikh Abd Rahman Mahmud |
Completed 2004 |
20 | Co- Supervisor |
Muhammad Nur Usmani
PhD Eximner, Mawdudi's Approach on Tafsir - Tafhim al-Qur'an
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM |
Completed 2002 |
21 | Co- Supervisor |
Ibrahim Shogar
PhD Examiner, al-Awlamah fi al-Qur'an (Globalization in the Qur'an)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM |
Completed 2002 |
No | Supervision | Student | Status |
1 | Supervisor |
Yahuza Husaini Umar
Usul Uqud al-Maliyah fi Daw al-Qur'an al-Karim (Principal of Financial Contract in the Qur'an al-Karim: An Analytical Study) |
Completed 2008 |
2 | Supervisor |
Muhammad Faesal
Al-Imamah fi Fikir Sheikh Abu A'la Mawdudi wa Imam Khomeni: Dirasah Muqaranah al-Naqdiyyah (The Concept Imamate in the Writing of Abu Ala Mawdudi and Imam Khomeni: Comparative and Critical Study) |
Completed 2000 |
3 | Supervisor |
Muhammad Jamil
Hamkas's View on Major Issues of Socio-Political Issues
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM |
Completed 1998 |
No | Supervision | Student | Status |
1 | Supervisor |
Ratna Dewi
Mawaqif al-Fikr al-Librali al-Andunisi Tujah Huquq al-Mar'ah fi al-Qur'an al-Karim: Dirasah Tahliliyyah al-Naqdiyyah (The Standpoints of Views of Liberal Muslim Thinkers toward the Right of Women in the Qur'an: An Analytical and Critical Study |
Completed 2013 |
2 | Supervisor |
Alamul Huda
Manahij Ifta Inda Jam'iyyah Nahdatul Ulama wa Jam'iyyah Muhammadiyyah: Dirasah Muqaranah (Method of Giving Fatwa within Organization of Nahdaul Ulama and the Organization of Muhammadiyyah: Comparative Study) |
Completed 2005 |
3 | Supervisor |
Zahir Sayf Hamood al-Farai
Turuq al-Qur'am fi asalib al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib (The Method of the Qur'an in Giving Encouragement and Disbanment) |
Completed 2004 |
4 | Supervisor |
Edward Mawfur
Sheikh Ahmad Hasam wa Manhajuhu fi Tafsir Ayat al-Ahkam (Sheikh Ahmad Hasan and His Methodology in Giving Exegetical Views on Legal Verses) |
Completed 2000 |
Community Service
No community records found.
Consultation Service
No consultation records found.
Displaying 7 results.No | Achievement Information | Category | Year |
1 |
Member of Board Studies on Halal Program and Industry
University | 2018 |
2 |
Deputy Director of International Conference on Science and Revelation, 2015
University | 2015 |
3 |
Interviewed by al-Jazeera TV Arabic Channel: Contribution of Sudanese Scholar (Sheikh Shorkati) in Reformatory Thought in Indonesia
International | 2011 |
4 |
Winner of Bronze Medal for Research/Invention: Peaceful Co-Existence among Adherents of Abrahamic Faith, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIEE, 2010), CAC Hall, IIUM
University | 2010 |
5 |
Winner of Silver Medal for Research/Invention: Mohammad Natsir's Socio-Political and Religious Thought, IRIIE 2010, CAC HALL, IIUM
University | 2010 |
6 |
Winner of Silver Medal for Research/Invention: Emergence of Liberal Thought in Indonesia, IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (RIIE 2010), CAC Hall
University | 2010 |
7 |
Outstanding Paper Award from Iranian Institute for the study of Philosophy, Integration of Science and Revelation
International | 2006 |
Displaying 0 recordsNo management experience records found.
No working experience records found.
No records found.
Attended Courses
No attended course records found.