CV - Sohirin Mohammad Solihin

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Sohirin Mohammad Solihin

( PhD, University of Birmingham , United Kingdom)

Associate Professor

Faculty: Faculty of Education, Social Science and Islamic Studies (FESSIS)
Programme: PhD in Islamic Studies

CV Online:


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Year awarded Qualification University Country
PhD of Theology (by Research)
Contemporary Qur'anic Exegesis
Birmingham University United Kingdom
Comparative Religious Studies
Christian-Muslim Relation
The Islamic Foundation, Marfield Conference Centre, Leicestershire United Kingdom
Advance Diploma
Islamic Studies
The Institute for Islamic Studies Egypt


Indexed Articles

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Publication Year Articles
2003 1
2005 3
2006 3
2007 2
2010 1
2012 4
2013 6
2016 2
2017 7
2018 3
2019 1
2022 1
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No Journal Detail Index IF
1 Aras Z., Solihin S.M.
(2022) POLITICAL EXEGESIS OF THE HOLY QUR’AN [التفسير السياسي للقرآن الكريم رؤ ية عقليةّ نقديةّ], Al-Jami'ah, Vol: 60, 1, 287--314, ISSN:0126012X. (Published)
2 Suhayl and Sohirin Muhammad Solihin
(2019) Traditionalist Orientation in Translating the Qur'an: Critical Appraisal of Fath al-Rahman fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, Journal of Islamic Insight, Vol: 2, 2, 22, ISSN:Un-Identified. (Published)
Other index
3 Ali M.M., Solihin S.M., Haque M.F.
(2018) Empowerment of women: An analytical study from the islamic perspective, Islamic Quarterly, Vol: 62, 2, 303--334, ISSN:211842. (Published)
4 Sohirin Muhammad Solihin and Naser Yousef
(2018) Difaan an al-Islam al-ladhi Usia Fahmuhu: Mohammad Nastir fi Uyun al-Alam (In Defense of Islam which was Misunderstood by People: Views of Mohammad Natsir, al-Wihdah, Vol: 0, 14, 20, ISSN:un-identified. (Published)
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5 Sohirin Muhammad Solihin and Muhammad Nor Osmani
(2018) Communication Ethics from the Qur'anic Perspective: An Analysis of Selected Contemporary Exegesis, Hamdar Islamicus, Vol: 41, 1-2, 25, ISSN:27898490. (Published)
Other index
6 Suhayl and Sohirin Muhammad Solihin
(2017) Translability of the Qur'an: An analysis and Theological Element, Islamic Insight, Vol: 1, 2, 25, ISSN:Un-Identified. (Published)
Other index
7 Sohirin Muhammad Solihin and Naser Youseph
(2017) Tasawwur al-Mufakkir al-Andusi, Muhammad Natsir li al-Tarbiyyah al-Islamiyyah (Concept of Islamic Education in the hands of Indonesian Thinker, Muhammad Natsir), Majallah al-Dirasah fi Ulum al-Tarbiyyah, Vol: 2, 3, 24, ISSN:2600-6529. (Published)
Other index
8 Sohirin Muhammad Solihin
(2017) Al-Siyahah wa Alaqotuha bi Tarwih al-Nafs (Tourism and its Relation with Consoling the Soul
, Ma'had Islam al-Ma'rifah, Vol: 16, 2, 35, ISSN:Un-Identified. (Published)
Other index
9 Sohirin Muhammad Solihin
(2017) Sociological Discourse in the Qur'an: Human Relation from Sociological Establishment, Indonesian Journal for Interdiciplinary Islamic Studies, Vol: 1, 1, 22, ISSN:2615-5184. (Published)
Other index
10 Ahmad Hasan and Sohirin Muhammad Solihin
(2017) Diyafah an Huquq al-Insan fi Daw al-Qur'an wa al-Sunnah (Hospitality as Constituents of Human Right in the Light of Prophetic Tradition, Journal Islam in Asia, Vol: 14, 1, 25, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published)
Other index
11 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017) Rationalism and Criticism in the Qur'an: An Analytical Study from the Books of Tafsir, Al-Burhan, Vol: 1, 1, 18, ISSN:un-identified. (Published)
Other index
12 Haziah binti Husein and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017) Issue-issue Dakwah dalam Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim, Al-Hikmah, Vol: 9, 2, 15, ISSN:2462-1242. (Published)
Other index
13 Ayshah Mirghani and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2016) Min Maqasid al-Siyahah fi Daw al-Qur'an al-Karim: Al-Tadabur wa I'mal al-Aql (Glimps from Purpose of Tourism in the Light of the Qur'an: Pondering and the Application of the Mind), Tajdid, Vol: 20, 39A, 20, ISSN:2600-9606. (Published)
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14 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2016) Ta'sis al-Dawlah al-Muslimah bayn al-Tumuhat wa al-Jahl: Dirasah an Jamaah al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah fi Andunisa wa Mawaqifuha tujah al-ayat al-Qur'aniyyah (Establishment of Government between Understanding and Ignorance: Jamaah al-Hijrah wa Takfir in Indonesia and its Dealing with Verses of the Qur'an, Tajdid, Vol: 20, 40, 26, ISSN:2600-9609. (Published)
Other index
15 Hussin H., Solihin S.M.
(2013) Manhaj haraki in the revival of quranic exegesis, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol: 16, 1, 9--17, ISSN:19909233. (Published)
16 Solihin S.M., Jassem L.S., Osmani N.M., Abbas E., Jani M.S.
(2013) Interfaith dialogue between ethics and necessity - A study from the Qur'anic guidelines, Asian Social Science, Vol: 9, 3, 97--106, ISSN:19112017. (Published)
17 Solihin S.M., Ishak M.S.B.H.
(2013) Integrated education of Mohammad Natsir in Indonesia, Islamic Quarterly, Vol: 57, 3, 235--248, ISSN:211842. (Published)
18 Haziah binti Husein and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2013) The Approach of Sheikh Said Hawa in the Interpretation Verses of Faith, Islamiyat, Vol: 35, 2, 16, ISSN:0126-5636. (Published)
Other index
19 Haziah binti Husein and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2013) The Approach of Sheikh Said Hawa in the Interpretation Verses of Faith, Islamiyat, Vol: 35, 2, 16, ISSN:0126-5636. (Published)
Other index
20 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2013) Sociological Discourse in the Qur'an: Human Relition from Perspective of Sociological Establishment, Journal Islam in Asia, Vol: 0, 12, 22, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published)
Other index
21 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin and Naser Youseph
(2012) Al-Mashad al-Librali wa Thaqafi wa al-Iqtisadi fi Indonesia: Phenomena of Liberalism in Indonesia in the Context of Economi and Culture, al-Muslim al-Muasir, Vol: 0, 144, 25, ISSN:Un-identified. (Published)
Other index
22 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2012) Great Muslim Physician and Islamic Jurists: Potrait of Ibn Nafis, Revelation and Science, Vol: 2, 2, 20, ISSN:2229-9947. (Published)
Other index
23 Ishak M.S.B.H., Solihin S.M.
(2012) Islam and Media, Asian Social Science, Vol: 8, 7, 263--269, ISSN:19112017. (Published)
24 Hussin H., Solihin S.M.
(2012) THE DYNAMIC METHODOLOGY in the QUR'ANIC EXEGESIS between ORIGINALITY and RENEWAL, AlBayan, Vol: 10, 2, 69--95, ISSN:22321950. (Published)
25 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2010) The Attitude of Liberal Thought in Indonesia toward the Qur'an: Study on its Rise and Forms of Its Spread, Tajdid, Vol: 14, 28, 28, ISSN:1823-1926. (Published)
Other index
26 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2007) Woman and Politic: Polemic over Female Head of State in Islamic Thought, Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, Vol: 1, 1, 25, ISSN:2232-1047. (Published)
Other index
27 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2007) Islam in the Midst of Democratization: Participation of Indonesian Muslim Parties in the Election, Journal Studies on Islam, Vol: 2, 2, 22, ISSN:Unidentified. (Published)
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28 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2006) Qur'an and the Liberal Exegesis on Equality of Religion, Kuliyah of Revealed Knowledge and Human Science Research Bulletin, Vol: 2, 3, 6, ISSN:0128-8121. (Published)
Other index
29 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2006) Tracing Religious Extremism in Indonesia, Journal of lslam in Asia, Vol: 3, 2, 22, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published)
Other index
30 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2006) East Asia and Challenge of Globalization: The Role of Monotheistic Religion in Maintining Values and Identity, Center for Interdiciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions, Vol: 3, 2, 18, ISSN:NO. (Published)
Other index
31 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2005) Law Enforcement in Indonesia: Views on Head of Representatives Council's Judicial Process , Journal Studies on Islam, Vol: 2, 2, 22, ISSN:0264-0473. (Published)
Other index
32 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2005) Eradication of Poverty: Methodological Framework of Qur'anic Exegesis, Mazhab: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Hukum Islam, Vol: 2, 3, 20, ISSN:2715-9698. (Published)
Other index
33 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2005) Hakimiyyah as Appeared in Fi Zilal al-Qur'an: Views of Sayyid Qutb on Islamic Governmental Order, Journal of Islam in Asia, Vol: 2, 1, 25, ISSN:2289-8077. (Published)
Other index
34 Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2003) Islam and Theory of Government: Views of Mohammad Natsir, Muslim Educational Quarterly (Cambridge), Vol: 3, 4, 30, ISSN: 0267-615X. (Published)
Other index


Displaying 18 records.
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No Cover book Book Detail Involvement
In Memoir: Journey Beyond the Frontiers, Memburu Mutiara Hikmah Lintas Geografis
Sohirin Muhammad Solihin
(2023), ISBN:978623484, Idea Press, Jogyakarta.
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
source link
First author
محمد ناصر رئيس وزراء أندونسيا: السيرة الفكرية والمسيرة السياسية
ٍSohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2020), ISBN:9786035092937, Obeikan, Riyadh.
Language: Bahasa Arab
source link
First author
Muhammad Quresih Shihab wa Manhajuhu fi Tafsir al-Misbah (Methodology of Sheikh Quresih Shihab in Giving Interpretation of the Qur'an)
Abdul Qadir, Sohirin Mohammad Solihi
(2018), ISBN:2652509235, IIUM.
Language: Bahasa Arab
source link
Sheikh Ahmad Hasan wa Manhajuhu fi Tafsir (Methodology of Ahmad Hasan in His Interpretation of the Qur'an)
Edward Mawfur, Sohirin Mohammad Solihn
(2018), ISBN:978509136, IIUM.
Language: Bahasa Arab
source link
Qadaya Muasirah fi Tafsir Sheikh Hasbi Assidiqui min Khilal Tafsir al-Nur (Contemporary Issues within Tafsir Hasbi al-Siddiqui)
Mohammad Shahrizal Razali, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2018), ISBN:978509136, IIUM.
Language: Bahasa Arab
source link
Science of Asbab al-Nuzul and its Impact on al-Wahidi's Exegetical Thought
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017), ISBN:9763509237, IIUM.
Language: English
source link
First author
Theoretical Framework of Da'wah in the Qur'an: Analytical Study from Surah Yusuf
Muhammad Yususf, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017), ISBN:978509237, IIUM.
Language: Bahasa Arab
source link
Diyafah wa Atharuha fi Tanmiyyah al-Ijtima'iyyah fi Daw Sunnah (Hospitality and its Impact in Social Development in the Light of Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah)
Muhammad Hasan, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2017), ISBN:2653509235, IIUM.
Language: Bahasa Arab
source link
Mohammad Natsir: Activism and Intellectualism in Modern Age
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2013), ISBN:9789674182410, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Press.
Language: English
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First author
Tawhid, Humanity and Civilization: Exploratory Study from the Qur'an
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin, Mohd Shuhaimi Bin Haji Ishak
(2013), ISBN:9789674182472, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Press.
Language: English
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First author
Sayyid Qutb's Fi Zilal al-Qur'an: A Study on Selected Theme
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2010), ISBN:978967527229, International Islamic University (IIUM) Press.
Language: English
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First author
الإسلام والفكر الليبرالي في أندونيسيا: النشأة والتطور
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2010), ISBN:9789675272684, International Islamic University (IIUM) Press.
Language: Bahasa Arab
source link
First author
Emergence and Development of Liberal Islam in Indonesia
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2009), ISBN:9789833855926, International Islamic University (IIUM) Press.
Language: English
source link
First author
Islamic Da'wah: Theory and Practice
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2008), ISBN:9789833855455, International Islamic University Press (IIUM).
Language: English
source link
First author
Islam and Politic: Emergence of Reformative Movement in Indonesia
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2006), ISBN:9832957613, Research Centre, International Islamic University Press (IIUM).
Language: English
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First author
The History the Qur'anic text from revelation to compilation:a comparative study with the old and New Testaments = sejarah teks Al-Qur'an dari wahyu sampai kompilasi :M.M. Al-Azami
Hari Wibowo, Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2005), ISBN:9795619373, Gema Insani Press, Jakarta.
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
source link
Ibn Taimiyyah: His Life, Dedication and Scholarly Works
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(2004), ISBN:968508135, Hikmah Enterprise.
Language: English
source link
First author
Copts and Muslims in Egypt: A Study on Harmony and Hostility
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
(1991), ISBN:0860372073, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, United Kingdom.
Language: English
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First author

Chapter in Book

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No Cover book Chapter in Book Involvement
The Meaning and Responsibility of Doing Dawah
(Sohirin Muhammad Solihin)
Handbook of Islamic Dawah
(Mohd Yusof Husein)
2011, ISBN: 9789674184100, IIUM PRESS.

Article in Proceedings

Displaying 41 records.
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No Article in Proceedings Involvement
1 Quranic Studies with the Use of Interdiciplinay Study as New Model of Tafsir In Proc. Inhouse Seminar, Department of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies, International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM (2022), pp.16, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
2 Ittijah al-Jadidah fi Tatbiq al-Shariah fi Ahdi Korona (New Orientation of Thouhgt in Applying the Shariah during the Pandemy) In Proc. International Webinar, Indonesian Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2021), pp.20, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
3 New Model of Education in the Post Normal Times: Exploratory Study from the Qur'am In Proc. Keynote Speaker at International Conference, New Strategies in Innovation of Education and Research in New Era, State Islamic Raden Fatah University, Palembang, Indonesia (2021), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
4 Theological Framework of Islamic Governance: Reformatory Thought of Mohammad Natsir In Proc. International Conference on Major Contribution of Mohammad Natsir, Objective Study, India (2020), pp.22, ISBN:Un-identified.
First author
5 Khazanah Pemikiran Politik Islam: Dakwah dan Ketatanegaraan In Proc. National Conference, Darmawangsa University, Medan, Sumatra Selatan, Indonesia (2020), pp.18, ISBN: .
First author
6 Covid and response of Malay Muslims toward it: An Analytical Study In Proc. International Conference on Sunnah Studies, Departement of Qur'an and Sunnah, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) (2020), pp.14, ISBN:Un-identified.
7 Gender Equality in the Writings of Abdullah Hasan Turabi: An Analytical Study on His Exegetical Views In Proc. International Seminar Contemporary Issues within Quranic Exegesis, Organized by Department of Qur'an and Sunnah, International Islamic University (IIUM) (2020), pp.28, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
8 Conceptual Framework of Reformatory Thought of Muhammad Abduh In Proc. National Conference on Islamic Reformatory Thought, Islamic Rennaisance Front, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2017), pp.16, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
9 Reformatary Thought of Mohammad Natsir In Proc. National Conference on Contemporary Islamic Thought (2017), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
10 The Legacy of Mohammad Natsir In Proc. Intellectual Discourse with Indonesian Post Graduate Students, IIUM, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2017), pp.12, ISBN: .
First author
11 Contemporary Issue in Islamic Thought and Education In Proc. Intellectual Discourse on Pesantren Education, IKAPMAWI, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2017), pp.14, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
12 Methodological Framework of Peace Accross Diversity of Cultural and Religions In Proc. International Conference on Religious Plurality, State Islamic Sunan Kalijaga University, Yogyakarta, Indonsia (2017), pp.20, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
13 Tafsir Nusantara and its Contribution to the Muslim World In Proc. International Conference on Contribution of Malay Scholars in Qur'anic Tafsir, State Islamic Antasari University, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan, Indonesia (2017), pp.15, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
14 Al-Siyahah wa al-Diyafah bayn al-Afaq wa al-Tahadiyyat: Ru'yah Qur'aniyyah (Tourism and Hospitality between Horizon of Thinking and Challenges: Views of the Qur'an) In Proc. International Conference on Humanities, Languages and Bisniss, Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia (2017), pp.16, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
15 Dialogue Accross Religious Boundaries: Theoretical Framework of Maintaining Peace in Multi Religious Community In Proc. International Dialogue between Muslims and other Religious Leaders, Tokyo, Japan (2015), pp.24, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
16 Maqasid I'mal al-Aql fi al-Qur'an al-Karim fi al-Qur'an al-Karim: Ayat al-Siyahah Namudhazan (The Use of Intellectualism in the Qur'an: analytical Study on Verses related to Tourism) In Proc. International Conference on Contemporary Issues in the Qur'an, Rennaisance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2015), pp.18 , ISBN:Un-Identified.
17 Al-Jawanib al-Ilmi fi Tafsir Sayyid Qutb wa Sheikh Sha'rawi (Aspects of Scientific Approach within Exegetical work of Sayyid Qutb and Sheikh Sha'rawi) In Proc. International Conference on Contemporary Quranic Exegesis, Rennaisance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2015), pp.20, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
18 Scientific Criticism in the Light of the Qur'an: Views of Modern Books of Tafsir and Contemporary Muslim Scholars In Proc. International Conference on Science and Revelation in the 21th Century, Rennaisance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2015), pp.22, ISBN:Un-identified.
First author
19 The Right and Equality of Women in the Qur'an: Critical Evaluation on Views of Liberalism In Proc. International Conference about the Qur'an and Sunnah, Kuala Lumpur, Malysia (2015), pp.16, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
20 Malay Culture between Religiousity and Integrity In Proc. International Conference on Culutural Tradition in Malay World, organized by State Islamic Raden Patah University, Palembang, Indonedia (2014), pp.16, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
21 Halal Tourism and Hospitality: Analytical Study from Qur'an Sunnah In Proc. International Conference on Halal, Organized by UTM, Istambul, Turkey (2024), pp.20, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
22 Al-Hiwar al-Adyan min Manzur al-Qur'an al-Karim (Inter-Religious Dialogue from Qur'anic Perspective In Proc. International Conference on Religious Studies, Organized by International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM (2011), pp.20, ISBN:Un-Identified.
23 Juhud Sheikh Said Hawa fi Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim (Asas al-Tafasir): Efforts of Sheikh Said Hawa in the Interpretation of the Qur'an In Proc. International Conference on Quranic Tafsir, Organized by University Sutan Sharif, Brunei Darusalam (2011), pp.16, ISBN:Un-Identified.
24 Integration of Science with Revelation In Proc. International Conference on Science with Religion (2011), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
25 Educating the West about Islam through Media In Proc. International Conference on South East Asia, Organized by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) (2010), pp.16, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
26 Terrorism in the Muslim World: Causes of Its Emergence in Indonesia In Proc. International Conference on Terrorism, Origanized by Prince Naif Arab University for Sciences and Security, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2010), pp.22, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
27 Shariah and Chalannges of Modernity In Proc. International Conference Organized by State Islamic University known as UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. (2009), pp.20, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
28 Al-Jihad bayn al-Ta'sil wa al-Jahl: Dirasah an Nash'at al-Irhabiyyah fi Indonesia (Jihad between Original Meaning and Ignorance: Analytical Study on Emergence of Terrorism in Indonesia) In Proc. International Conference on Terrorism in Muslim World, Husein bin Talal University, Jordan (2008), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
29 Divinity and Epistimology: Structuring the Life of the Prophet into Curriculum In Proc. International Conference on Sirah of the Prophet (pbuh) and Curricula (2007), pp.20, ISBN:Un-identified.
First author
30 Quranic Methodology in International Relation In Proc. International Conference on Future International Relation Studies, Hussein bin Talal University, Jordan (2006), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
31 Socio-Political Orientation in Qur'anic Understanding: Methodological Approach of M. Natsir In Proc. International Conference organized by Department of Qur'an and Sunnah, IIUM (2006), pp.15, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
32 Political Reform in Indonesia: Challenges and Expectation In Proc. International Conference on Politics in Muslim World, Mut'ah University of Jordan (2006), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
33 Integrated Knowledge and Science: Exploratory Study from the Qur'am In Proc. International Congress on Dialogue between Science and Religion, Tehran, Iran (2006), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
34 Al-Aqliyyun wa Mawaqifuhum tujah al-Ahkam al-Shar'iyyah (Rationalist and their Standpoint toward Law of Shariah. In Proc. International Conference on Shariah Law and Challenges of Modernity organized by University of Dar al-Ulum, Cairo, Egypt (2006), pp.12, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
35 Islam in South East Asia: Diversity of Vision within oneness of Mission In Proc. International Symposium, Japan Center for Areas Studies (Osaka) (2005), pp.10, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
36 Jihad between Comprehension and Misconception: Roots of Religious Extremism in Indonesia In Proc. International Association of History of Religion (IAHR) held in Tokyo, Japan (2005), pp.14, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
37 Islam in the Midst of Democratization: Experiences of Muslim Parties in Indonesia In Proc. Image of Muslim Ummah in the 21th Century, organized by Department of Psychology, International Islamic University (2004), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
38 Religious Conflict in Poso: Causes of the Conflict between Muslim and Christian In Proc. Conflict Resolution organized by Department of Political Science, IIUM (2004), pp.12, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
39 Muslim Scholars and Professionals: Role and Expectation in Uniting the Muslim Ummah In Proc. International Conference on Muslim Unity in 21th Century: Challenges and Opportunities (2003), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
40 National Curriculum on Religious Education in Indonesia: Response of Muslims and Christians In Proc. International Conference on Teaching and Teacher Education organized by Department of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia (2003), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identified.
First author
41 Hajj in the Literature of South Asian Muslims: Comments, Views and Impression In Proc. International Symposium, Hajj Ministry of Saudi Arabia (2002), pp.18, ISBN:Un-Identifies.

Other Publications

Displaying 48 records.
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No Publication Type Publication Info Involvement
1 PhD Thesis External Examiner, University Sultan Sharef, Brunei PhD Thesis External Examiner, University Sultan Sharef, Brunei , Usul al-Qiyam al-Akhlaqiyah fi Muallafat Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani with Special Reference to Tafsir Mirah Labib fi Ma'na al-Qur'an al-Majid (Fundamental Values of Ethics within the Writing of Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani), (2018).
2 PhD Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia PhD Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Talaqi al-Qur'an bi al-Asanid al-Qiraah fi Marakiz al-Qur'aniyah bi Maliziya (Quranic Recitation Study with the Use of Chains within Centers of Islamic Study in Malaysia), (2016).
3 PhD Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia PhD Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Internal Contradiction Claims in the Qur'an: Critical Evaluation , (2017).
4 PhD Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia PhD Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Al-Harakah al-Liberaliyyah fi Andunisia wa Shubhatuha hawla al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah (Liberal Movement in Indonesia and its Standpoint toward Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), (2017).
5 PhD Thesis External Examiner, Madinah International University: PhD Thesis External Examiner, Madinah International University: , Manhajiyah al-Islah min Khilal Ayat Ulu al-Amr min al-Rusul (Quranic Methodology of Societal Reform : Study on Verses related to Ulu al-Azmi min al-Rusul), (2017).
6 PhD Thesis External Examiner, University Sains Islam, Malaysia PhD Thesis External Examiner, University Sains Islam, Malaysia, Leadership, Fellowship Concept: Critical Key and Supportive Terms in the Qur'an, (2016).
7 PhD Thesis External Examiner, University of Islamic Sains, Malaysia PhD Thesis External Examiner, University of Islamic Sains, Malaysia, The Concept of Argumentation Quranic Argumentation (Muhajjah) with Ahl al-Kita within Surah al-Baqarah, al-Maidah, al-Nisa and Al Imran , (2004).
8 PhD Thesis Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM PhD Thesis Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM, Konsep Adalah and Muwasah dalam pemikiran Hamid Nasr Abu Zayd, (2004).
9 Phd Thesis External Examiner, Insaniyyah University College, Kedah Phd Thesis External Examiner, Insaniyyah University College, Kedah , Muqawwamat al-Shahsiyyah al-Islamiyah fi al-Qur'an al-Kareem bi Manzur Sayyid Qutb Fi Zilal al-Qur'an (Creation of Islamic Characters in the Qur'an from Sayyid Qutb's Perspective contained in Fi Zilal al-Qur'an), (2013).
10 PhD Thesis External Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM PhD Thesis External Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM, Dakwah al-Qur'an: Satu Kajian Perbandingan antara Sayyid Qutb dan Sheikh Mutawwali Sha'rawi Tumpuan Khusus dalam Surah al-Mu'minun, (2009).
11 PhD Thesis External Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM PhD Thesis External Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM , Kajian Analitical terhadap Pengaruh Negative Tafsir al-Misbah, (2013).
12 External PhD Thesis Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM External PhD Thesis Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM , Tafsir dan Hermaneutika al-Qur'an: Kajian Kritis tentang Pemikiran Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, (2012).
13 External PhD Theses Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM External PhD Theses Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM, Uslub al-Ihtiras fi al-Qur'an al-Karim: Dirasah Wasfiyah Bayaniyah (Taking Precautionary Measure in the Qur'an: Descriptive Analytical Study), (2010).
14 PhD Thesis Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM PhD Thesis Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM, Pengajian Tafsir al-Qur'an di Indonesia: Suatu Kajian tentang Sistem dan Metod Pembelajaran di Propinsi Jambi , (2008).
15 PhD Theses Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM PhD Theses Examiner, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM, Shihabuddin al-Alusi dan Tafsir Ruh al-Maani: Studi tentang Nazm Susunan al-Qur'an, (2008).
16 Thesis Evaluation Thesis Evaluation, Tawjihat al-Qur'aniyah fi Ilaj al-Inhiraf al-Jinsiyah inda Sha'bi al-Muslim al-Maliziyi (Qur'anic Direction for Curing Deviated Sexual Practice among Malay Muslim Community), (2015).
17 Thesis Evaluation Thesis Evaluation, Huquq al-Maliyah fi al-Qur'an al-Karim: Dirasah Tahliliyah (Financial Right in the Qur'an: An Analytical Study), (2014).
18 Thesis Evaluation Thesis Evaluation, Al-Manhaj al-Tarbawi fi Tafsir Fi Zilal al-Qur'an inda Sayyid Qutb (Methodology of Education within Exegetical views of Sayyid Qutb), (2014).
19 Thesis Evaluation Thesis Evaluation, aL-Gazw al-Fikr wa Atharuh fi Manhaj Tafsir al-Nur li Sheikh Nursi Badiuzaman (Branwashing and Its Impact within the Methodological Framework of Sheikh Nursi Tafsir) , (2012).
20 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Al-Qawaod al-Hadithiyah fi al-Mustalahat al-Hadith: Dirasah Istiqraiyah fi Kitab Tadrib al-Rawi (Hadith Maxim in Science of Hadith: Inductive Studies from the Book 'Tadrib al-Rawi'), (2010).
21 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, al-Nasl fi al-Qur'an al-Karim: Dirasah Tahliliyah Naqdiyah li al-Mu'tamarat al-Dawliyah (Offspring in the Holy Qur'an: An Analytical and Critical Study on International Conferences, (2009).
22 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Al-Ta'addi wa al-Tafsir fi al-Muamalah al-Maliyah fi Daw al-Qur'an al-Karim: Dirasah Tatbiqiyyah min Khilal al-Namadhij al-Mukhtarah (Misconduct and Negligence In Monetary Transaction in the Light of the Quran: An Applied Study on Some Examples), (2008).
23 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Al-Islah al-Siyasi Inda Mufasiri al-Qur'an al-Karim fi Nisf al-Awwal min al-Qarn al-Ishrin: Rashid Rida wa Tantawi Jauhari Namudhazan: Political Reform in Qur'anic Exegesis in the Midst of Twenty Century: Rashid Rida and Tantawi Jauhari as Example, (2007).
24 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Manhaj al-Qur'an al-Karim fi Ta'sil Akhlaq al-Taamul al-Mali: Dirasah Tahliliyah (Qur'anic Ethic in Business Transaction: An Analytical Study), (2005).
25 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Manhaj al-Qur'ani fi Hazr wa al-Tawaqqi al-Darar: Dirasah Tahliliyah li al-Hiwar al-Qur'ani (The Qur'anic Method of Hazr (Caution) and Avoiding al-Darar (Harm): An Analytical Study, (2005).
26 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Tafsir bi al-Ma'thur Inda al-Madrasah al-Aqliyah (The Attitude of Modern Rational School toward Tradition Tafsir), (2005).
27 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Al-Adat al-Malayuwiyah al-Mukhalifah li al-Sunnah (Malay Religious Traditions that Contradict with Sunnah), (2004).
28 PhD Thesis Evaluation PhD Thesis Evaluation, Al-Tugyan al-Siyasi wa subili Taghyirihi min Manzur al-Qur'an (Political Opression and the way of Giving Solution from Qur'anic Perspective), (2004).
29 Thesis Evalutation Thesis Evalutation, Al-Bid'ah wa Tatbiqatiha fi Mujtama al-Andunisi: Dirasah Tahliyah an al-Jam'iyyah Muhammadiyah wa Jam'iyah Nahdaul Ulama (The Practice of Innovation in Indonesia: Comparative Study between Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama), (2017).
30 Thesis Evalution Thesis Evalution, Al-Zinah al-Ma'nawiyyah fi al-Qur'an (The Meaning of Beuty in the Qur'an), (2017).
31 Policy Paper Policy Paper, Hadith man Raa Minkum Munkaran: Dirasah Tatbiqiyah fi Qism al-Hisbah al-tabi fi Wilayati Negeri Sembilan, (2013).
32 Policy Paper Policy Paper, Impact of Asbab al-Nuzul within Tafsir al-Wasit by Imam al-Wahidi, (2012).
33 Thesis Evalution Thesis Evalution, Asalib al-Da'wah fi Surah Yusuf: Dirasah Tahliliyyah ( Technical of Da'wah with Surah Yusuf: An Analytical Study), (2011).
34 Thesis Assessor Thesis Assessor, Athar al-Ikhtilaf hawla al-Qiraat fi Tafsir Bahr al-Muhit inda Abi Hayyan al-Andalusi (Impactful of Differences opinion on Recitation of the Qur'an within Tafsir Bahr al-Muhit by Ibn Hayyan al-Andalusi), (2011).
35 Thesis Assessor Thesis Assessor, Dirasah an al-Ayat Hawl al-Uqubat (Studies on Verses of the Qur'an dealing with Punishment), (2012).
36 Thesis Assessor Thesis Assessor, Al-Tafkir al-Ijabi fi Daw al-Qur'an al-Karim (Positive Thinking in the Light of Qur'an), (1999).
37 Thesis Assessor Thesis Assessor, Juhud al-Munazamah al-Islamiyyah fi al-Da'wah bayn al-Aqwam al-Asliyyin (Efforts of Muslim Organizations in Performing Da'wah among Indigenious People (Sakai), (1999).
38 Master Thesis Assessor Master Thesis Assessor, Da'wah and Christian Mission in Indonesia, (1998).
39 Policy Paper Policy Paper, Hadith Studies, Content, Scope and Relevance, (2011).
40 Technical Report Technical Report, Al-Qur'an wa al-Istishraq (Qur'an and Orientalism), (2010).
41 Article Assessor Article Assessor, Al-Adab al-Ruhaniyyah wa al-Mabadi al-Imaniyyah fi Tadabur al-Qur'an, (2011).
42 Article Assessor Article Assessor, Muslim Legacy in Ulum al-Qur'an, (2006).
43 Policy Paper Policy Paper, Mudakhalat bayn Fi Zilal al-Qur'an wa Tafsir al-Azhar, (2006).
44 Article Assessor Article Assessor, Scheme of Muslim Unity; Proposal of Structure, (2004).
45 Policy Paper Policy Paper, Sheikh Ahmad Shorkati: Sudanese Reformer in Indonesia, (2001).
46 Policy Paper Policy Paper, Influence of Maraghi on Qur'anic Exegesis of Mustapha Abd al-Rahman, (2003).
47 Article Assessor Article Assessor, Sayyid Qutb's Armed Revolt and Terrorism: Myth or Reality?, (2003).
48 Article Assessor Article Assessor, Twentieth Century Reformer in Indo-Malay World: Biographical Survey of Hamka published by Journal Islam in Asia, IIUM, (2003).



Displaying 11 records.
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Involvement Involved as
Project leader 11
Enter a comma separated list of user names.
No Project Title Start End Involvement Category Funding (MYR)
1 [IIIT 2019-2021]
Integration of Science with Revelation: Exploratory Study from the Qur'an
15/1/2019 15/12/2021 Project leader International
2 [NRGS 2014-19]
Maqasid Shariah in Halal and Hospitality Services
15/1/2014 15/1/2019 Project leader International
3 [IIIT 2013-2016]
Halal Governance: Islamic Perspectives and Legal Framework in Food and Pharmaceuticals
20/1/2013 20/1/2016 Project leader International
4 [Endowment Type A 2010]
Methods of Criticism in the Light of the Qur'an: An Analytical Study on Views of Tafsir and Contemporary Muslim Scholars
20/1/2010 20/12/2010 Project leader University
5 [Endowment Type A 2009]
The Attitudes of Liberal Thoughts toward the Legal Text of the Qur'an: Analyticl Study on Development Emergence of Liberalism in Indonesia
10/8/2009 10/12/2009 Project leader University
6 [Endowment Type A 2009]
Mahdism as Appeared within the Books of Tafsir: Views of Sunni Scholars
15/1/2009 15/7/2009 Project leader University
7 [Endowment Type A 2008]
Peaceful Co-Existence accross Faithful Boundaries: Views of Quranic Exegesis
20/7/2008 20/12/2008 Project leader University
8 [Endowment Type A 2007]
Islam and Theory of Government: An Analytical Study on Views of Mohammad Natsir
20/1/2007 20/12/2007 Project leader University
9 [Endowment Type A 2006]
Religious Conflict in Poso: An Analytical Study on Causes and Consequences
15/7/2005 15/12/2005 Project leader University
10 [Endowment Type A 2005]
Female Head of State: An Analytical Study on Views of Indonesian Muslim Scholars
5/1/2005 5/12/2005 Project leader University
11 [Endowment Type A 2006]
Education and Religion in Indonesa: Response of Muslim and Christian Leaders toward National Curriculum
10/1/2005 10/6/2005 Project leader University


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Displaying 28 records.
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PhD or Doctor (S3)
No Supervision Student Status
1 Supervisor
Abdullah Abd al-Jabbar al-Juburi
Halal wa al-Siyahah fi Daw al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah: Dawlah al-Imarah al-Muttahidah al-Arabiyyah Admudhdzan (Halal Tourism in the Light of Sunnah: UAE Model)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2020
2 Supervisor
Ali Rahman
The Impact of Halal Acts in Human Health: Analytical Study from the Qur'an and Sunnah
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2020
3 Supervisor
Muhammad Faizul Haque
Empowerment of Women in the Qur'an: An Analytical Study
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2020
4 Supervisor
Irfanul Hakim
Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani wa Mawaqifuhu min Ayat al-Jihad fi Tafsirihi Mirah Labih li ma'na al-Qur'an al-Majid (Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani and His Stance toward Ayat al-Jihad within His Tafsir Mirah Labib li Ma'na al-Qur'an al-Majid)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2020
5 Supervisor
Muhammad Diya al-Hafidhz bin Fatah Yasin
The Objective of the Qur'an on Hospitality Services: A Study on the Application within Grand Puteri Hotel in Trengganu
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2018
6 Supervisor
Sobah Mirghani Uthman
al-Siyahah wa al-Halal al-Diyafah: Ru'yah al-Qur'aniyyah fi Daw al-Waqai al-Muasir (Halal Tourism and Hospitality: Quranic View in the Light of Contemporary Reality)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2016
7 Supervisor
Hjh Sarina Haji Yahya
Al-Dirasah al-Qur'aniyyah fi Madrasah al-Thanawiyyah fi al-Manahij al-Dirasiyyah fi Sultanah Brunei Dar al-Salam (Quranic Studies within Secondary School of Sultanate Brunei Dar al-Salam)
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Completed 2016
8 Supervisor
Jamila Abdullahi Mohamed
Qadaya al-Mar'ah fi Tafsir al-Tawhidi li Doktur Abdullah Hasan al-Turabi: Dirasah Tahliliyyah (Women Issues within Tafsir of Daktur Hasan al-Turabi: An analytical Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2015
9 Supervisor
Ahmad Muhammad Hasan
Al-Karam wa Diyafah fi Daw al-Qur'an wa Sunnah (Courtesy and Hospitality in the Light of Qur'an and Prophetic Tradition)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2015
10 Supervisor
Muhammad Shahrizal Razali
Qadaya al-Tafsiriyyah fi Tafsir Sheikh Mohammad Hasbi al-Siddiqui (Issues within Tafsir Mohammad Hasbi al-Siddiqui: An Analytical Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2013
11 Supervisor
Salihah Huwaydah al-Matrafi
Qadaya al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah fi Tafsir Imam Wahidi wa Ibn Asyur: Dirasah Muqaranah (Issues of Muslim Women within Tafsir al-Wahidi and Ibn Asyur: Comparative Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2013
12 Supervisor
Haziah binti Husin
Manhaj al-Haraki fi Tafsir Said Hawa: Dirasalh Tahliliyyah (Method of Islamic Movement within Tafsir Said Hawwa: Analytical Study
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2013
13 Supervisor
Nadrah Ahmad
Trio Malay Exegetes of the Qur'an
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2012
14 Supervisor
Timezghine Mohammad
Al-Tahlil bi Asma al-Husna fi al-Qur'an al-Karim wa Atharuhu fi Maqasid al-Qur'aniyyah (Rationalization with the Beutiful Names of Allah and its Impact on Objectives of the Qur'an)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2012
15 Co- Supervisor
Muhammad Arif bin Nazri
Shuyukh al-Imam al-Bayhaqi fi al-Sunan al-Kubra: Dirasah al-Naqdiyyah (The Teachers of Imam al-Bayhaqi fi Sunan al-Kubra: An Analytical Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2010
16 Supervisor
Zahrul Fata Solihin
al-Ittijah al-Liberaliyyah wa maqqifuhu tujah al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah (Liberal Orientation and their attitudes toward Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2010
17 Supervisor
Muhammad Najib Abdul Kadir
Tafsir Misbah li Sheikh Muhammad Quresih Shihab: Dirasah Tahliliyyah al-Naqdiyyah (Tafsir Misbah li Sheikh Quresih Shihab: Analytical and Critical Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Completed 2006
18 Supervisor
Norbani binti Ismail
Qadaya Mar'ah bayn Tafsiray al-Sheikh Mutawwali Mutawwali Sha'rawi wa Ustadz Hamka: Dirasah Muqaranah (Muslim Women Issues within the Interpretation of Sheikh Mutawwali Sha'rawi and Hamka: Comperative Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Completed 2004
19 Supervisor
Nazirah binti Ahmad
The Influence of Tafsir al-Manar on Malay Qur'anic Exegesis with Special Reference to Tafsir al-Hakeem by Sheikh Abd Rahman Mahmud
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Completed 2004
20 Co- Supervisor
Muhammad Nur Usmani
PhD Eximner, Mawdudi's Approach on Tafsir - Tafhim al-Qur'an
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2002
21 Co- Supervisor
Ibrahim Shogar
PhD Examiner, al-Awlamah fi al-Qur'an (Globalization in the Qur'an)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2002
Master by Research (S2)
No Supervision Student Status
1 Supervisor
Yahuza Husaini Umar
Usul Uqud al-Maliyah fi Daw al-Qur'an al-Karim (Principal of Financial Contract in the Qur'an al-Karim: An Analytical Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2008
2 Supervisor
Muhammad Faesal
Al-Imamah fi Fikir Sheikh Abu A'la Mawdudi wa Imam Khomeni: Dirasah Muqaranah al-Naqdiyyah (The Concept Imamate in the Writing of Abu Ala Mawdudi and Imam Khomeni: Comparative and Critical Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2000
3 Supervisor
Muhammad Jamil
Hamkas's View on Major Issues of Socio-Political Issues
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 1998
Master by Course (S2)
No Supervision Student Status
1 Supervisor
Ratna Dewi
Mawaqif al-Fikr al-Librali al-Andunisi Tujah Huquq al-Mar'ah fi al-Qur'an al-Karim: Dirasah Tahliliyyah al-Naqdiyyah (The Standpoints of Views of Liberal Muslim Thinkers toward the Right of Women in the Qur'an: An Analytical and Critical Study
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2013
2 Supervisor
Alamul Huda
Manahij Ifta Inda Jam'iyyah Nahdatul Ulama wa Jam'iyyah Muhammadiyyah: Dirasah Muqaranah (Method of Giving Fatwa within Organization of Nahdaul Ulama and the Organization of Muhammadiyyah: Comparative Study)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2005
3 Supervisor
Zahir Sayf Hamood al-Farai
Turuq al-Qur'am fi asalib al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib (The Method of the Qur'an in Giving Encouragement and Disbanment)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2004
4 Supervisor
Edward Mawfur
Sheikh Ahmad Hasam wa Manhajuhu fi Tafsir Ayat al-Ahkam (Sheikh Ahmad Hasan and His Methodology in Giving Exegetical Views on Legal Verses)
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Completed 2000


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Displaying 7 results.
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Achievement Recognition
No Achievement Information Category Year
1 Member of Board Studies on Halal Program and Industry
University 2018
2 Deputy Director of International Conference on Science and Revelation, 2015
University 2015
Interviewed by al-Jazeera TV Arabic Channel: Contribution of Sudanese Scholar (Sheikh Shorkati) in Reformatory Thought in Indonesia
International 2011
Winner of Bronze Medal for Research/Invention: Peaceful Co-Existence among Adherents of Abrahamic Faith, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIEE, 2010), CAC Hall, IIUM
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
University 2010
Winner of Silver Medal for Research/Invention: Mohammad Natsir's Socio-Political and Religious Thought, IRIIE 2010, CAC HALL, IIUM
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
University 2010
Winner of Silver Medal for Research/Invention: Emergence of Liberal Thought in Indonesia, IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (RIIE 2010), CAC Hall
International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
University 2010
Outstanding Paper Award from Iranian Institute for the study of Philosophy, Integration of Science and Revelation
International 2006



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