CV - Mustafa Mat Deris

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Mustafa Mat Deris

( PhD, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia)


Faculty: Faculty of Business, Management and Information Technology (FBIT)
Programme: PhD in Information Technology

CV Online:


Indexed Articles

Displaying 247 records.
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Publication Year Articles
1997 2
2000 2
2002 1
2003 3
2004 5
2005 5
2006 7
2007 4
2008 9
2009 22
2010 19
2011 21
2012 13
2013 10
2014 25
2015 7
2016 16
2017 27
2018 14
2019 12
2020 2
2021 12
2022 8
2023 1
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No Journal Detail Index IF
1 Rasyidah, Efendi R., Nawi N.M., Deris M.M., Burney S.M.A.
(2023) Cleansing of inconsistent sample in linear regression model based on rough sets theory, Systems and Soft Computing, Vol: 5, , 200046, ISSN:27729419. (Published)
2 Rohidin D., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M.
(2022) Association rules of fuzzy soft set based classification for text classification problem, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Vol: 34, 3, 801--812, ISSN:13191578. (Published)
3 Yanto I.T.R., Azhari A., Saedudin R., Sari S.N., Deris M.M., Senan N.
(2022) Soft Set Parametric-based Data Clustering for Building Data Set, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 12, 5, 1882--1886, ISSN:20885334. (Published)
4 Saedudin R., Yanto I.T.R., Budiono A., Sari S.N., Deris M.M., Senan N.
(2022) Data Clustering for Identification of Building Conditions Using Hybrid Multivariate Multinominal Distribution Soft Set (MMDS) Method, International Journal on Informatics Visualization, Vol: 6, 2, 284--289, ISSN:25499904. (Published)
5 Abdurohman M., Putrada A.G., Deris M.M.
(2022) A Robust Internet of Things-Based Aquarium Control System Using Decision Tree Regression Algorithm, IEEE Access, Vol: 10, , 56937--56951, ISSN:21693536. (Published)
6 Yanto I.T.R., Setiyowati R., Deris M.M., Senan N.
(2022) Fast Hard Clustering Based on Soft Set Multinomial Distribution Function, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol: 457 LNNS, , 3--13, ISSN:23673370. (Published)
7 Yanto I.T.R., Deris M.M., Senan N.
(2022) PSS: New Parametric Based Clustering for Data Category, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol: 457 LNNS, , 14--24, ISSN:23673370. (Published)
8 Ghazali R., Nawi N.M., Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H., Arbaiy N.
(2022) Preface, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol: 457 LNNS, , v--vi, ISSN:23673370. (Published)
9 Ado A., Deris M.M., Samsudin N.A., Sharifai A.’G.
(2022) Adaptive and Global Approaches Based Feature Selection for Large-Scale Hierarchical Text Classification, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Vol: 127, , 105--116, ISSN:23674512. (Published)
10 Uddin J., Ghazali R., Deris M.M., Iqbal U., Shoukat I.A.
(2021) A novel rough value set categorical clustering technique for supplier base management, Computing, Vol: 103, 9, 2061--2091, ISSN:0010485X. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 2.420
11 Ado A., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M.
(2021) A New Feature Hashing Approach Based on Term Weight for Dimensional Reduction, 2021 International Congress of Advanced Technology and Engineering, ICOTEN 2021, Vol: , , 9493447, ISSN:9781665412247. (Published)
12 Efendi R., Imandari A.N., Rahmadhani Y., Suhartono, Samsudin N.A., Arbai N., Deris M.M.
(2021) Fuzzy Autoregressive Time Series Model Based on Symmetry Triangular Fuzzy Numbers, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol: 17, 2, 387--401, ISSN:17930057. (Published)
13 Ghouse M.G., Jamel S., Aamir M., Zulqarnain M., Deris M.M.
(2021) I-AEGIS-128: An Improved Authenticated Encryption Based on AEGIS-128, 2021 International Conference on Optimization and Applications, ICOA 2021, Vol: , , 9442645, ISSN:9781665441032. (Published)
14 Yanto I.T.R., Apriani A., Hidayat R., Deris M.M., Senan N.
(2021) Fast Clustering Environment Impact using Multi Soft Set Based on Multivariate Distribution, International Journal on Informatics Visualization, Vol: 5, 3, 291--297, ISSN:25499904. (Published)
15 Arief M., Deris M.B.M.
(2021) Text Preprocessing Impact for Sentiment Classification in Product Review, 2021 6th International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2021, Vol: , , --, ISSN:9781665421553. (Published)
16 Yanto I.T.R., Saedudin R., Sari S.N., Deris M.M., Senan N.
(2021) Soft Set Multivariate Distribution for Categorical Data Clustering, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 11, 5, 1841--1846, ISSN:20885334. (Published)
17 Ado A., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M., Bichi A.A., Ahmed A.
(2021) Comparative analysis of integrating multiple filter-based feature selection methods using vector magnitude score on text classification, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Vol: , , 4664--4676, ISSN:21698767. (Published)
18 Ado A., Deris M.M., Samsudin N.A., Ahmed A.
(2021) A New Feature Filtering Approach by Integrating IG and T-Test Evaluation Metrics for Text Classification, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol: 12, 6, 500--510, ISSN:2158107X. (Published)
19 Efendi R., Sahid D.S.S., Putra E.H., Deris M.M., Annisa N.G., Karina, Sari I.M.
(2021) Healthy Diet Food Decision Using Rough-Chi-Squared Goodness, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 1350 AISC, , 296--308, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
20 Mamat R., Noor A.S.M., Deris M.M.
(2021) Nasheed Song Classification by Fuzzy Soft-Set Approach, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 724, , 207--214, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
21 Nabila N.F., Basir N., Zaizi N.J.M., Deris M.M.
(2021) Missing Concept Extraction Using Rough Set Theory, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 1183, , 470--478, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
22 Azahari S.R.B.M., Jamel S., Mushtaq M.F., Khalid S.K.A., Mohamad K.M., Deris M.M.
(2020) Tesseract encryption algorithm using latin square of order 8 (TEA-O8), Compusoft, Vol: 9, 4, 3617--3623, ISSN:23200790. (Published)
23 Ghazali R., Nawi N.M., Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H.
(2020) Preface, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 978 AISC, , xi--xii, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
24 Deris M.M., Hamid M.A., Ibrahim N., Efendi R., Riyadi Yanto I.T.
(2019) Data Reduction using Similarity Class and Enhanced Tolerance Relation for Complete and Incomplete Information Systems, 2019 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, ICICS 2019, Vol: , , 134--139, ISSN:9781728100456. (Published)
25 Sharif W., Yanto I.T.Y., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M., Khan A., Mushtaq M.F., Ashraf M.
(2019) An optimised support vector machine with ringed seal search algorithm for efficient text classification, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol: 14, 3, 1601--1613, ISSN:18234690. (Published)
26 Naseem R., Deris M.M., Maqbool O., Shahzad S.
(2019) Euclidean space based hierarchical clusterers combinations: an application to software clustering, Cluster Computing, Vol: 22, , 7287--7311, ISSN:13867857. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 2.303
27 Muktar D., Jamel S., Ramli S.N., Deris M.M.
(2019) 2D legendre wavelet filter for iris recognition feature extraction, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol: , , 174--178, ISSN:9781450366182. (Published)
28 Ullah A., Nawi N.M., Mahdin H.B., Baseer S., Deris M.M.
(2019) Role of different integer virtual machine in cloud data centre, International Journal on Informatics Visualization, Vol: 3, 4, 394--398, ISSN:25499904. (Published)
29 Mushtaq M.F., Jamel S., Megat S.B., Akram U., Deris M.M.
(2019) Key schedule algorithm using 3-dimensional hybrid cubes for block cipher, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol: 10, 8, 427--442, ISSN:2158107X. (Published)
30 Abawajy J.H., Othman M., Ghazali R., Deris M.M., Mahdin H.
(2019) Preface, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 520, , xi--, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
31 Abdullah Z., Adam O., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2019) A Review on Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithms Based on Apriori and Patterns Growth, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 520, , 111--118, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
32 Deris M.M., Senan N., Abdullah Z., Mamat R., Handaga B.
(2019) Dimensional reduction using conditional entropy for incomplete information systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 11657 LNCS, , 263--272, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
33 Awang W.S.W., Deris M.M., Rana O.F., Zarina M., Rose A.N.M.
(2019) Affinity replica selection in distributed systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 11657 LNCS, , 385--399, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
34 Danlami M., Jamel S., Ramli S.N., Deris M.M.
(2019) A Framework for iris partial recognition based on legendre wavelet filter, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol: 10, 5, 36--41, ISSN:2158107X. (Published)
35 Nasir N.F.M., Ibrahim N., Deris M.M., Saringat M.Z.
(2019) Test case and requirement selection using rough set theory and conditional entropy, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 888, , 61--71, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
36 Efendi R., Yanti N., Wenda A., Mu'At S., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M.
(2018) Dominant Criteria and Its Factor Affecting Student Achievement Based on Rough-Regression Model, 2018 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences, ICICoS 2018, Vol: , , 29--32, ISSN:9781538674406. (Published)
37 Efendi R., Deris M.M.
(2018) Non-Probabilistic Inverse Fuzzy Model in Time Series Forecasting, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowldege-Based Systems, Vol: 26, 5, 855--873, ISSN:2184885. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.027
38 Belanda S.E., Ghali A.A., Jamel S., Deris M.M.
(2018) A Two-Way Image Quality Enhancement for Iris Recognition System Using Modified Enhanced Histogram Equalization for Normalization, 2018 7th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization: Trends and Future Directions, ICRITO 2018, Vol: , , 425--430, ISSN: . (Published)
39 Efendi R., Arbaiy N., Deris M.M.
(2018) A new procedure in stock market forecasting based on fuzzy random auto-regression time series model, Information Sciences, Vol: 441, , 113--132, ISSN:200255. (Published)
40 Efendi R., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M., Ting Y.G.
(2018) Flu Diagnosis System Using Jaccard Index and Rough Set Approaches, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol: 1004, 1, 12014, ISSN:17426588. (Published)
41 Efendi R., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M.
(2018) Medipre: Medical diagnosis prediction using rough-regression approximation, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol: , , 35--39, ISSN:9781450363372. (Published)
42 Nabila N.F., Basir N., Deris M.M.
(2018) Non-taxonomic Relation Extraction Using Probability Theory, Transactions on Engineering Technologies: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2017, Vol: , , 287--301, ISSN:9789811321917. (Published)
43 Hasni N., Mohamad Z., Ahmad F., Nik W.N.S.W., Deris M.M.
(2018) Intelligent replication strategy using Neural Network for high availability in cloud environment, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Vol: 7, 3.28 Special Issue 28, 5--7, ISSN:2227524X. (Published)
44 Mohamad Z., Mahmoud A.A., Nik W.N.S.W., Mohamed M.A., Deris M.M.
(2018) A genetic algorithm for optimal job scheduling and load balancing in cloud computing, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Vol: 7, 3.28 Special Issue 28, 290--294, ISSN:2227524X. (Published)
45 Sharif W., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M., Khalid S.K.A.
(2018) A technical study on feature ranking techniques and classification algorithms, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 13, Specialissue9, 7074--7080, ISSN:1816949X. (Published)
46 Ghali A.A., Jamel S., Mohamad K.M., Khalid S.K.A., Pindar Z.A., Deris M.M.
(2018) An improved low contrast image in normalization process for Iris recognition system, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 700, , 495--505, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
47 Ghazali R., Deris M.M., Nawi N.M., Abawajy J.H.
(2018) Preface, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 700, , v--vi, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
48 Heng F.N.R., Deris M.M., Basir N.
(2018) A similarity precision for selecting ontology component in an incomplete sentence, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 700, , 95--104, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
49 Efendi R., Deris M.M.
(2018) Decision support model in determining factors and its dominant criteria affecting cholesterol level based on rough-regression, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 700, , 243--251, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
50 Efendi R., Samsudin N.A., Arbaiy N., Deris M.M.
(2017) Fuzzy random auto-regression time series model in enrollment university forecasting, 5th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence, ISCBI 2017, Vol: , , 61--64, ISSN:9781538617717. (Published)
51 Efendi R., Samsudin N.A., Arbaiy N., Deris M.M.
(2017) Maximum-minimum temperature prediction using fuzzy random auto-regression time series model, 5th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence, ISCBI 2017, Vol: , , 57--60, ISSN:9781538617717. (Published)
52 Pindar Z.A., Jamel S., Disina A., Ghali A.R., Mahazer K.N.A.B.K., Deris M.M.
(2017) Check Digit System Based on Quasigroup String Transformation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol: 226, 1, 12109, ISSN:17578981. (Published)
53 Naseem R., Deris M.B.M., Maqbool O., Li J.-P., Shahzad S., Shah H.
(2017) Improved binary similarity measures for software modularization, Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering, Vol: 18, 8, 1082--1107, ISSN:20959184. (Published)
54 DIsina A.H., Jamel S., Pindar Z.A., Deris M.M.
(2017) All-or-Nothing Key Derivation Function Based on Quasigroup String Transformation, ICISS 2016 - 2016 International Conference on Information Science and Security, Vol: , , 7885839, ISSN:9781509054930. (Published)
55 Sharif W., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M., Naseem R.
(2017) Effect of negation in sentiment analysis, 2016 6th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2016, Vol: , , 718--723, ISSN:9781509020003. (Published)
56 Uddin J., Ghazali R., Deris M.M., Naseem R., Shah H.
(2017) A survey on bug prioritization, Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol: 47, 2, 145--180, ISSN:2692821. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 9.588
57 Ghali A.A., Jamel S., Mohamad K.M., Yakub N.A., Deris M.M.
(2017) A review of iris recogntion algorithms, International Journal on Informatics Visualization, Vol: 1, 4-2, 175--178, ISSN:25499904. (Published)
58 Nabila N.F., Basir N., Mamat A., Deris M.M.
(2017) Improving knowledge extraction from texts by generating possible relations, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Vol: 1, , 55--60, ISSN:20780958. (Published)
59 Hassan Disina A., Jamel S., Aamir M., Pindar Z.A., Mat Deris M., Malik Mohamad K.
(2017) A key scheduling algorithm based on dynamic quasigroup string transformation and all-or-nothing key derivation function, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Vol: 9, 3-5 Special Issue, 1--6, ISSN:21801843. (Published)
60 Mushtaq M.F., Jamel S., Mohamad K.M., Khalid S.K.A., Deris M.M.
(2017) Key Generation Technique based on Triangular Coordinate Extraction for Hybrid Cubes, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Vol: 9, 3-4 Special Issue, 195--200, ISSN:21801843. (Published)
61 Mamat R., Deris M.M., Noor A.S.M., Sulaiman S.
(2017) Cluster validity analysis on soft set based clustering, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Vol: 9, 3-5 Special Issue, 171--177, ISSN:21801843. (Published)
62 Sharif W., Samsudin N.A., Deris M.M., Aamir M.
(2017) Improved relative discriminative criterion feature ranking technique for text classification, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Vol: 15, 2, 61--78, ISSN:9740635. (Published)
63 Mushtaq M.F., Jamel S., Deris M.M.
(2017) Triangular Coordinate Extraction (TCE) for hybrid cubes, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 12, 8, 2164--2169, ISSN:1816949X. (Published)
64 Rose A.N.M., Awang M.I., Ahmad F., Zamri N., Mohamed M.A., Deris M.M.
(2017) Achieving efficient decision making through hybrid reduction in soft set theory, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol: 7, 3, 1032--1037, ISSN:20885334. (Published)
65 Chuah C.W., Deris M.M., Dawson E.
(2017) On the security analysis of weak cryptographic primitive based key derivation function, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 424, , 231--240, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
66 Awang M.I., Rose A.N.M., Awang M.K., Ahmad F., Deris M.M.
(2017) Multiple criteria preference relation by dominance relations in soft set theory, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 475--484, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
67 Abdullah Z., Saman M.Y.M., Karim B., Herawan T., Deris M.M., Hamdan A.R.
(2017) FCA-ARMM: A model for mining association rules from formal concept analysis, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 213--223, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
68 Herawan T., Ghazali R., Nawi N.M., Deris M.M.
(2017) Preface, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , v--vi, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
69 Efendi R., Deris M.M.
(2017) Forecasting of malaysian oil production and oil consumption using fuzzy time series, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 31--40, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
70 Naseem R., Deris M.M.
(2017) A new binary similarity measure based on integration of the strengths of existing measures: Application to software clustering, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 304--315, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
71 Awang M.K., Makhtar M., Rahman M.N.A., Deris M.M.
(2017) A new customer churn prediction approach based on soft set ensemble pruning, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 427--436, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
72 Al Saedi A.K.Z., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2017) A new multi objective optimization to improve growth domestic produce of economic using metaheuristic approaches: Case study of Iraq economic, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 496--505, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
73 Mamat R., Noor A.S.M., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2017) Cluster validation analysis on attribute relative of soft-set theory, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 3--10, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
74 Uddin J., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2017) Does number of clusters effect the purity and entropy of clustering?, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 549 AISC, , 355--365, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
75 Uddin J., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2017) An empirical analysis of rough set categorical clustering techniques, PLoS ONE, Vol: 12, 1, e0164803, ISSN:19326203. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 3.752
76 Efendi R., Arbaiy N., Deris M.M.
(2017) Estimation of confidence-interval for yearly electricity load consumption based on fuzzy random auto-regression model, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 532, , 15--26, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
77 Pindar Z.A., Jamel S.H., Aamir M., Deris M.M.
(2016) PinTar: A new keyed hash function based on pseudorandom 2n-to-n bit compression function, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol: , , 34--38, ISSN:9781450347969. (Published)
78 Lasisi A., Ghazali R., Deris M.M., Herawan T., Lasisi F.
(2016) Extracting Information in Agricultural Data Using Fuzzy-Rough Sets Hybridization and Clonal Selection Theory Inspired Algorithms, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol: 30, 9, 1660008, ISSN:2180014. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.261
79 Al-Saedi A.K.Z., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2016) Improved multi join query optimization for RDBMS based on swarm intelligence approaches, Advanced Science Letters, Vol: 22, 10, 2847--2851, ISSN:19366612. (Published)
80 Awang M.K., Makhtar M., Rahman M.N.A., Deris M.M.
(2016) Ensemble selection and optimization based on soft set theory for customer churn classification, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 92, 1, 1--8, ISSN:19928645. (Published)
81 Nabila N.F., Basir N., Saudi M.M., Mamat A., Azmi-Murad M.A., Mustapha N., Deris M.M.
(2016) Domain-Specific Inter-textual Non-taxonomic Extraction (DSINTE), Proceedings - UKSim-AMSS 17th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, UKSim 2015, Vol: , , 502--506, ISSN:9781479987122. (Published)
82 Nabila N.F., Basir N., Saudi M.M., Pitchay S.A., Ridzuan F., Mamat A., Deris M.M.
(2016) Using Probability Theory to Identify the Unsure Value of an Incomplete Sentence, Proceedings - UKSim-AMSS 17th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, UKSim 2015, Vol: , , 497--501, ISSN:9781479987122. (Published)
83 Awang M.K., Makhtar M., Rahman M.N.A., Deris M.M.
(2016) A new soft set based pruning algorithm for ensemble method, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 88, 3, 384--391, ISSN:19928645. (Published)
84 Efendi R., Deris M.M., Ismail Z.
(2016) Implementation of Fuzzy Time Series in Forecasting of the Non-Stationary Data, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Vol: 15, 2, 1650009, ISSN:14690268. (Published)
85 Yuan Y., He L., Li W., Yan L., Deris M.M.
(2016) Real-time calculation of road traffic saturation based on big data storage and computing, Proceedings - 14th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Science, DCABES 2015, Vol: , , 204--207, ISSN:9781467365932. (Published)
86 Nafis N.S.M., Makhtar M., Awang M.K., Rahman M.N.A., Deris M.M.
(2016) Predictive modeling for telco customer churn using rough set theory, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 11, 5, 3203--3207, ISSN:18196608. (Published)
87 Rosly R., Makhtar M., Awang M.K., Rahman M.N.A., Deris M.M.
(2016) Multi-classifier models to improve accuracy of water quality application, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 11, 5, 3208--3211, ISSN:18196608. (Published)
88 Waheeb W., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2016) Content-based SMS spam filtering based on the Scaled Conjugate Gradient backpropagation algorithm, 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2015, Vol: , , 675--680, ISSN:9781467376822. (Published)
89 Lasisi A., Ghazali R., Herawan T., Lasisi F., Deris M.M.
(2016) Knowledge extraction of agricultural data using artificial immune system, 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2015, Vol: , , 1653--1658, ISSN:9781467376822. (Published)
90 Deris M.M., Abdullah Z., Mamat R., Yuan Y.
(2016) A new limited tolerance relation for attribute selection in incomplete information systems, 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2015, Vol: , , 964--970, ISSN:9781467376822. (Published)
91 Pindar Z.A., Jamel S., Disina A.H., Deris M.M.
(2016) Compression function based on permutations and quasi groups, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol: 11, 22, 13100--13107, ISSN:18196608. (Published)
92 Adam O., Abdullah Z., Ngah A., Mokhtar K., Ahmad W.M.A.W., Herawan T., Ahmad N., Deris M.M., Hamdan A.R., Abawajy J.H.
(2016) IncSPADE: An Incremental Sequential Pattern mining algorithm based on spade property, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 387, , 81--92, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
93 Ismail Z., Efendi R., Deris M.M.
(2015) Application of Fuzzy Time Series Approach in Electric Load Forecasting, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol: 11, 3, 229--248, ISSN:17930057. (Published)
94 Abawajy J.H., Fudzee F., Deris M.M.
(2015) Multimedia content adaptation service discovery mechanism, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol: 74, 19, 8365--8378, ISSN:13807501. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 2.577
95 Nafis S., Makhtar M., Awang M.K., Rahman M.N.A., Deris M.M.
(2015) Feature selections and classification model for customer churn, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol: 75, 3, 356--365, ISSN:19928645. (Published)
96 Awang M.I., Rose A.N.M., Ahmad F., Deris M.M., Herawan T.
(2015) Discovering attributes dependency for categorical data set based on soft set theory for better decision making, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol: 9, 130, 6477--6490, ISSN:1312885X. (Published)
97 Alsaedi A.K.Z., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2015) An efficient multi join query optimization for relational database management system using two phase artificial bess colony algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 9429, , 213--226, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
98 Noor A.S.M., Zian N.F.M., Deris M.M., Herawan T.
(2015) Review of replication techniques for distributed systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 9258, , 169--176, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
99 Efendi R., Ismail Z., Deris M.M.
(2015) A new linguistic out-sample approach of fuzzy time series for daily forecasting of Malaysian electricity load demand, Applied Soft Computing Journal, Vol: 28, , 422--430, ISSN:15684946. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 8.263
100 Husaini N.A., Ghazali R., Nawi N.M., Ismail L.H., Deris M.M., Herawan T.
(2014) PI-sigma neural network for a one-step-ahead temperature forecasting, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Vol: 13, 4, 1450023, ISSN:14690268. (Published)
101 Yuan Y., Xu W., Yuan X., Yan L., Deris M.
(2014) Bio-inspired neural networks for block based motion estimation, Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, Vol: 8, 4, 471--482, ISSN:17483018. (Published)
102 Al Saedi A.K.Z., Ghazali R.B., Deris M.B.M.
(2014) An efficient multi join query optimization for DBMS using swarm intelligent approach, 2014 4th World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT 2014, Vol: , , 113--117, ISSN:9781479981151. (Published)
103 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Noraziah A., Deris M.M.
(2014) Fast determination of items support technique from enhanced tree data structure, International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications, Vol: 8, 1, 21--32, ISSN:17389984. (Published)
104 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Noraziah A., Deris M.M.
(2014) A model for visualizing critical least association rules, International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications, Vol: 8, 1, 167--180, ISSN:17389984. (Published)
105 Herawan T., Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H.
(2014) Preface, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 285 LNEE, , v--vi, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
106 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Noraziah A., Deris M.M.
(2014) Mining least association rules of degree level programs selected by students, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol: 9, 1, 241--253, ISSN:19750080. (Published)
107 Khalid S.K.A., Deris M.M., Mohamad K.M.
(2014) A systematic redundancy approach in watermarking using sudoku, 2014 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, ICITCS 2014, Vol: , , 7021723, ISSN:9781479965410. (Published)
108 Naseem R., Deris M.B.M., Maqbool O.
(2014) Software modularization using combination of multiple clustering: PhD symposium abstract, 17th IEEE International Multi Topic Conference: Collaborative and Sustainable Development of Technologies, IEEE INMIC 2014 - Proceedings, Vol: , , 277--281, ISSN:9781479957545. (Published)
109 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2014) Mining indirect least association rule, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 285 LNEE, , 159--166, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
110 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2014) Detecting definite least association rule in medical database, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 285 LNEE, , 127--134, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
111 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2014) Discovering interesting association rules from student admission dataset, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol: 285 LNEE, , 135--142, ISSN:18761100. (Published)
112 Herawan T., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2014) Preface, Advances in Soft Computing, Vol: 287, , V--VI, ISSN:16153871. (Published)
113 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Noraziah A., Deris M.M.
(2014) A scalable algorithm for constructing frequent pattern tree, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Vol: 10, 1, 42--56, ISSN:15483657. (Published)
114 Noor A.S.M., Deris M.M., Saman M.Y.M.
(2014) Optimising interdependent distributed environment with Co-Existence neighbourhood, Advanced Science Letters, Vol: 20, 10-12, 1996--1999, ISSN:19366612. (Published)
115 Noor A.S.M., Deris M.M., Saman M.Y.M.
(2014) Dependable adaptive failure detection, Advanced Science Letters, Vol: 20, 10-12, 1992--1995, ISSN:19366612. (Published)
116 Nawi N.M., Khan A., Rehman M.Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2014) Comparing performances of cuckoo search based neural networks, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 287, , 163--172, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
117 Herawan T., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2014) Preface, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 287, , v--vi, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
118 Abdullah Z., Mohd F., Mohd Saman M.Y., Mat Deris M., Herawan T., Hamdan A.R.
(2014) Mining critical least association rule from oral cancer dataset, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 287, , 529--538, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
119 Herawan T., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2014) Recent Advances on Soft Computing and Data Mining: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2014) Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia June, 16th-18th, 2014, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 287, , --, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
120 Nawi N.M., Khan A., Rehman M.Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2014) CSLMEN: A new cuckoo search Levenberg Marquardt Elman Network for data classification, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 287, , 173--182, ISSN:21945357. (Published)
121 Abawajy J.H., Deris M.M.
(2014) Data replication approach with consistency guarantee for data grid, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol: 63, 12, 2975--2987, ISSN:189340. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 3.183
122 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Ahmad N., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2014) Mining indirect least association rule from students' examination datasets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 8584 LNCS, PART 6, 783--797, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
123 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Chiroma H., Deris M.M.
(2014) A sequential data preprocessing tool for data mining, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 8581 LNCS, PART 3, 734--746, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
124 Noor A.S.M., Deris M.M.
(2014) Dynamic failure detection in distributed environment, Advanced Science Letters, Vol: 20, 1, 21--25, ISSN:19366612. (Published)
125 Mamat R., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2013) MAR: Maximum Attribute Relative of soft set for clustering attribute selection, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol: 52, , 11--20, ISSN:9507051. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 8.139
126 Ismail Z., Efendi R., Deris M.M.
(2013) Inter-quartile range approach to length-interval adjustment of enrollment data in fuzzy time series forecasting, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Vol: 12, 3, 1350016, ISSN:14690268. (Published)
127 Mamat R., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2013) SAR: An algorithm for selecting a partition attribute in categorical-valued information system using soft set theory, Information Retrieval Methods for Multidisciplinary Applications, Vol: , , 266--280, ISSN:9781466638990. (Published)
128 Efendi R., Ismail Z., Deris M.M.
(2013) Improved weight fuzzy time series as used in the exchange rates forecasting of us dollar to Ringgit Malaysia, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Vol: 12, 1, 1350005, ISSN:14690268. (Published)
129 Noor A.S.M., Deris M.M.
(2013) Fail-stop failure recovery in neighbor replica environment, Procedia Computer Science, Vol: 19, , 1040--1045, ISSN:18770509. (Published)
130 Zarina M., Ahmad F., Anm, Nordin M., Deris M.M.
(2013) Job scheduling for dynamic data replication strategy in heterogeneous federation data grid systems, 2013 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Applications, ICIA 2013, Vol: , , 203--206, ISSN:9781467352550. (Published)
131 Yan L., Yuan Y., Zeng X., Deris M.M.
(2013) Refined adaptive meshes from scattered point clouds, Proceedings - 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, DCABES 2013, Vol: , , 247--249, ISSN:9780769550602. (Published)
132 Khalid S.K.A., Deris M.M., Mohamad K.M.
(2013) Anti-cropping digital image watermarking using Sudoku, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, Vol: 4, 2-3, 169--177, ISSN:1741847X. (Published)
133 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2013) Tracing significant association rules using critical least association rules model, International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications, Vol: 5, 1, 3--17, ISSN:1751648X. (Published)
134 Herawan T., Noraziah A., Abdullah Z., Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H.
(2013) IPMA: Indirect patterns mining algorithm, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol: 457, , 187--196, ISSN:1860949X. (Published)
135 Herawan T., Noraziah A., Abdullah Z., Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H.
(2012) EFP-M2: Efficient model for mining frequent patterns in transactional database, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7654 LNAI, PART 2, 29--38, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
136 Abawajy J.H., Pathan M., Rahman M., Pathan A.-S.K., Deris M.M.
(2012) Network and traffic engineering in emerging distributed computing applications, Network and Traffic Engineering in Emerging Distributed Computing Applications, Vol: , , 1--358, ISSN:9781466618886. (Published)
137 Khan N., Noraziah A., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2012) Cloud computing: Analysis of various services, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7473 LNCS, , 397--404, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
138 Noraziah A., Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2012) WLAR-Viz: Weighted least association rules visualization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7473 LNCS, , 592--599, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
139 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Noraziah A., Deris M.M.
(2012) DFP-growth: An efficient algorithm for mining frequent patterns in dynamic database, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7473 LNCS, , 51--58, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
140 Noraziah A., Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2012) Scalable technique to discover items support from trie data structure, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7473 LNCS, , 500--507, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
141 Mamat R., Herawan T., Ahmad N., Deris M.M.
(2012) On soft partition attribute selection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7473 LNCS, , 508--515, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
142 Noor A.S.M., Deris M.M., Herawan T., Hassan M.N.
(2012) On affirmative adaptive failure detection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7440 LNCS, PART 2, 120--129, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
143 Handaga B., Deris M.M.
(2012) Text categorization based on fuzzy soft set theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7336 LNCS, PART 4, 340--352, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
144 Shah H., Ghazali R., Nawi N.M., Deris M.M.
(2012) Global hybrid ant bee colony algorithm for training artificial neural networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7333 LNCS, PART 1, 87--100, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
145 Handaga B., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2012) FSSC: An algorithm for classifying numerical data using fuzzy soft set theory, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, Vol: 2, 4, 29--46, ISSN:2156177X. (Published)
146 Md Fudzee M.F., Abawajy J., Mat Deris M.
(2012) Service discovery for service-oriented content adaptation, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, Vol: 73 LNICST, , 308--309, ISSN:18678211. (Published)
147 Yanto I.T.R., Vitasari P., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2012) Applying variable precision rough set model for clustering student suffering study's anxiety, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol: 39, 1, 452--459, ISSN:9574174. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 8.665
148 Isa A.M., Rose A.N.M., Deris M.M.
(2011) Dominance-based soft set approach in decision-making analysis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7120 LNAI, PART 1, 299--310, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
149 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Ahmad N., Mat Deris M.
(2011) Extracting highly positive association rules from students? enrollment data, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol: 28, , 107--111, ISSN:18770428. (Published)
150 Noraziah A., Herawan T., Zin N.M., Jamil N.M., Deris M.M., Abdullah Z.
(2011) Reducing network congestion by separating nets of single-row networks into layers, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol: 28, , 39--44, ISSN:18770428. (Published)
151 Noraziah A., Fauzi A.A.C., Deris Mat M., Saman M.Y.M., Zain N.M., Khan N.
(2011) Managing educational resource-student information systems using BVAGQ fragmented database replication model, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol: 28, , 127--132, ISSN:18770428. (Published)
152 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Ahmad N., Deris M.M.
(2011) Mining significant association rules from educational data using critical relative support approach, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol: 28, , 97--101, ISSN:18770428. (Published)
153 Mohamad K.M., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2011) Detecting JFIF header using FORHEADER, International Journal of Security and its Applications, Vol: 5, 4, 23--36, ISSN:17389976. (Published)
154 Rose A.N.M., Awang M.I., Hassan H., Zakaria A.H., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2011) Hybrid reduction in soft set decision making, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6838 LNCS, , 108--115, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
155 Husaini N.A., Ghazali R., Ismail L.H., Hamid N.A., Deris M.M., Nawi N.M.
(2011) Temperature forecasting with a dynamic higher-order neural network model, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol: , , 547--551, ISSN:9781450307840. (Published)
156 Ali A., Ghazali R., Deris M.M.
(2011) The wavelet multilayer perceptron for the prediction of earthquake time series data, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol: , , 138--143, ISSN:9781450307840. (Published)
157 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2011) Visualizing the construction of incremental Disorder Trie Itemset data structure (DOSTrieIT) for Frequent Pattern Tree (FP-Tree), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 7066 LNCS, PART 1, 183--195, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
158 Khan N., Noraziah A., Deris M.M., Ismail E.I.
(2011) Cloud Computing: Comparison of various features, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 194 CCIS, , 243--254, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
159 Mohamad K.M., Patel A., Deris M.M.
(2011) Carving JPEG images and thumbnails using image pattern matching, ISCI 2011 - 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics, Vol: , , 78--83, ISSN:9781612846903. (Published)
160 Yanto I.T.R., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2011) Data clustering using variable precision rough set, Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol: 15, 4, 465--482, ISSN:1088467X. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.321
161 Mamat R., Herawan T., Mat Deris M.
(2011) Super attribute representative for decision attribute selection, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 180 CCIS, PART 2, 137--147, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
162 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Mat Deris M.
(2011) An alternative measure for mining weighted least association rule and its framework, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 180 CCIS, PART 2, 480--494, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
163 Handaga B., Mat Deris M.
(2011) Similarity approach on fuzzy soft set based numerical data classification, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 180 CCIS, PART 2, 575--589, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
164 Jamel S., Deris M.M., Yanto I.T.R., Herawan T.
(2011) The hybrid cubes encryption algorithm (HiSea), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 154 CCIS, , 191--200, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
165 Zarina M., Deris M.M., Rose A.M., Isa A.M.
(2011) Job scheduling for dynamic data replication strategy based on federation data grid systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 154 CCIS, , 283--292, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
166 Mohd. Rose A.N., Hassan H., Awang M.I., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2011) Solving incomplete datasets in soft set using parity bits of supported sets, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 150 CCIS, PART 1, 33--43, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
167 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2011) A soft set approach for association rules mining, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol: 24, 1, 186--195, ISSN:9507051. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 8.139
168 Rose A.N.M., Hassan H., Awang M.I., Mahiddin N.A., Amin H.M., Deris M.M.
(2011) Solving incomplete datasets in soft set using supported sets and aggregate values, Procedia Computer Science, Vol: 5, , 354--361, ISSN:18770509. (Published)
169 Awang M.I., Rose A.N.M., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) Soft set approach for selecting decision attribute in data clustering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6441 LNAI, PART 2, 87--98, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
170 Zarina M., Deris M.M., Rose A.N.M.M., Isa A.M.
(2010) Dynamic data replication strategy based on federation data grid systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6377 LNCS, M4D, 25--32, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
171 Noor A.S.M., Deris M.M.
(2010) Failure recovery mechanism in neighbor replica distribution architecture, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6377 LNCS, M4D, 41--48, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
172 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) Scalable model for mining critical least association rules, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6377 LNCS, M4D, 509--516, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
173 Malik mohamad k., Patel A., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) MyKarve: JPEG image and thumbnail carver, Journal of Digital Forensic Practice, Vol: 3, 2-4, 74--97, ISSN:15567281. (Published)
174 Zakaria A.H., Awang W.S.W., Mohamad Z., Rose A.N.M., Deris M.M.
(2010) Improving response time, availability and reliability through asynchronous replication technique in cluster architecture of web server cluster, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 118 CCIS, , 29--36, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
175 Mohamad K.M., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) Hiding data in JPEG using in-DQT technique, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 76 CCIS, , 27--36, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
176 Mohamad K.M., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) Dual-byte-marker algorithm for detecting JFIF header, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 76 CCIS, , 17--26, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
177 Md Fudzee M.F., Abawajy J., Deris M.M.
(2010) Multi-criteria content adaptation service selection broker, CCGrid 2010 - 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, Vol: , , 721--726, ISSN:9781424469871. (Published)
178 Abdullah Z., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) Mining significant least association rules using fast SLP-growth algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6059 LNCS, , 324--336, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
179 Mohd Rose A.N., Herawan T., Mat Deris M.
(2010) A framework of decision making based on maximal supported sets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6063 LNCS, PART 1, 473--482, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
180 Herawan T., Rose A.N.M., Mat Deris M.
(2010) Soft set theoretic approach for discovering attributes dependency in information systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6064 LNCS, PART 2, 596--605, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
181 Abdul-Mehdi Z.T., Bin Mamat A., Ibrahim H., Deris M.M.
(2010) A model for transaction management in mobile databases, IEEE Potentials, Vol: 29, 3, 32--39, ISSN:2786648. (Published)
182 Herawan T., Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H.
(2010) A rough set approach for selecting clustering attribute, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol: 23, 3, 220--231, ISSN:9507051. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 8.139
183 Herawan T., Yanto I.T.R., Deris M.M.
(2010) A construction of hierarchical rough set approximations in information systems using dependency of attributes, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol: 283, , 3--15, ISSN:1860949X. (Published)
184 Yanto I.T.R., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) A framework of rough clustering for web transactions, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol: 283, , 265--277, ISSN:1860949X. (Published)
185 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) Soft decision making for patients suspected influenza, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6018 LNCS, PART 3, 405--418, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
186 Herawan T., Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H.
(2010) Matrices representation of multi soft-sets and its application, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6018 LNCS, PART 3, 201--214, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
187 Jamel S., Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2010) A cryptographic algorithm based on hybrid cubes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 6019 LNCS, PART 4, 175--187, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
188 Wasikon S.M., Deris M.M.
(2009) Hasten Dynamic Frame Slotted ALOHA algorithm for fast identification in RFID system, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol: 18 LNICST, , 162--174, ISSN:18678211. (Published)
189 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2009) A construction of nested rough set approximations in information systems using dependency of attributes, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol: 1159, , 324--330, ISSN:0094243X. (Published)
190 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2009) Rough set theory for selecting clustering attribute, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol: 1159, , 331--338, ISSN:0094243X. (Published)
191 Mohamad K.M., Deris M.M.
(2009) Fragmentation point detection of JPEG images at DHT using validator, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 5899 LNCS, , 173--180, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
192 Abdullah Z., Deris M.M., Jaafar S.Z.
(2009) An efficient algorithm for mining causality least pattern, ICACTE 2009 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol: 2, , 1103--1110, ISSN:9780791802977. (Published)
193 Noraziah A., Mat D.M., Ahmed N.A., Norhayati R., Saman M.Y., Norhaslida D.C.
(2009) Neighbour replication transactions processing in distributed systems, Advances in Systems Science and Applications, Vol: 9, 2, 220--226, ISSN:10786236. (Published)
194 Abdullah Z., Deris M.M.
(2009) Association rules mining with relative weighted support, iiWAS2009 - The 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, Vol: , , 507--511, ISSN:9781605586601. (Published)
195 Mohd. Noor A.S., Mat Deris M.
(2009) Extended heartbeat mechanism for fault detection service methodology, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 63, , 88--95, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
196 Abawajy J.H., Hsu R.C.H., Chung Y.-C., Deris M.M.
(2009) IASM 2009 preface, I-SPAN 2009 - The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks, Vol: , , 5381771, ISSN:9780769537696. (Published)
197 Herawan T., Yanto I.T.R., Deris M.M.
(2009) SMARViz: Soft maximal association rules visualization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 5857 LNCS, , 664--674, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
198 Malik Mohamad K., Deris M.M.
(2009) Visualization of JPEG metadata, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 5857 LNCS, , 543--550, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
199 Mohamad K.M., Deris M.M.
(2009) Single-byte-marker for detecting JPEG JFIF header using FORIMAGE-JPEG, NCM 2009 - 5th International Joint Conference on INC, IMS, and IDC, Vol: , , 1693--1698, ISSN:9780769537696. (Published)
200 Herawan T., Rose A.N.M., Mat Deris M.
(2009) Soft set theoretic approach for dimensionality reduction, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 64, , 171--178, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
201 Herawan T., Yanto I.T.R., Mat Deris M.
(2009) Rough set approach for categorical data clustering, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 64, , 179--186, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
202 Herawan T., Yanto I.T.R., Mat Deris M.
(2009) Soft set approach for maximal association rules mining, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol: 64, , 163--170, ISSN:18650929. (Published)
203 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2009) On multi-soft sets construction in information systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 5755 LNAI, , 101--110, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
204 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2009) A framework on rough set-based partitioning attribute selection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 5755 LNAI, , 91--100, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
205 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2009) A direct proof of every rough set is a soft set, Proceedings - 2009 3rd Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, AMS 2009, Vol: , , 119--124, ISSN:9780769536484. (Published)
206 Herawan T., Deris M.M.
(2009) Rough set theory for topological spaces in information systems, Proceedings - 2009 3rd Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, AMS 2009, Vol: , , 107--112, ISSN:9780769536484. (Published)
207 Noraziah A., Deris M.M., Saman M.Y.M., Norhayati R., Rabiei M., Shuhadah W.N.W.
(2009) Managing transactions on grid-neighbour replication in distributed systems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol: 86, 9, 1624--1633, ISSN:207160. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.750
208 Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H., Taniar D., Mamat A.
(2009) Managing data using neighbour replication on a triangular-grid structure, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, Vol: 6, 1, 56--65, ISSN:17400562. (Published)
209 Mohamad K.M., Jamel S.H., Deris M.M.
(2009) Inefficiency of data storing in physical memory, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol: 38, , 856--858, ISSN:2010376X. (Published)
210 Abdul-Mehdi Z.T., Mamat A.B., Ibrahim H., Deris M.M.
(2008) A transaction consistency management model for mobile databases, Computer Games and Allied Technology 08, CGAT 08 - Animation, Multimedia, IPTV and Edutainment, Proceedings, Vol: , , 482--493, ISSN:9789810806934. (Published)
211 Radi M., Mamat A., Deris M.M., Ibrahim H., Shamala S.
(2008) Framework for evaluating update propagation techniques in large scale data grid, 2008 1st International Conference on Distributed Frameworks and Application, DFmA 2008, Vol: , , 89--95, ISSN:9781424423132. (Published)
212 Zailani A., Mustafa M.
(2008) Flexible database transformation for XML-RDBMS, WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, Vol: 40, , 53--62, ISSN:17433517. (Published)
213 Noraziah A., Deris M.M., Norhayati R., Saman M.Y.M.
(2008) Distributed transaction semantic for binary vote assignment grid, 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2008, Vol: 1, , 41--44, ISSN:1424421012. (Published)
214 Jamel S.H., Deris M.M.
(2008) Diffusive primitives in the design of modern cryptographic algorithms, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development, Vol: , , 707--710, ISSN:9781424416929. (Published)
215 Mamat A., Radi M., Deris M.M., Ibrahim H.
(2008) Performance of update propagation techniques for data grid, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development, Vol: , , 332--335, ISSN:9781424416929. (Published)
216 Suib D.S., Deris M.M.
(2008) An efficient hierarchical clustering model for grouping web transactions, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Vol: 3, 2, 147--157, ISSN:17438187. (Published)
217 Radi M., Mamat A., Mat Deris M., Ibrahim H., Shamala S.
(2008) Access weight replica consistency protocol for large scale data grid, Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 4, 2, 103--110, ISSN:15493636. (Published)
218 Mat Deris M., Abawajy J.H., Mamat A.
(2008) An efficient replicated data access approach for large-scale distributed systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol: 24, 1, 1--9, ISSN:0167739X. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 7.307
219 Waluyo A.B., Abawajy J.H., Ma J., Jong H.P., Yang L.T., Deris M.M., Nahavandi S., Hussain S., Kim T.-H., Yu Z.
(2007) Welcome message from the IPM/ESA/RFID 2007 workshop co-chairs, Proceedings The 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing, IPC 2007, Vol: , , xvi--xvii, ISSN:769530060. (Published)
220 Deris M.M., Aznida Z., Saman M.Y., Suryani W.A., Zarina M.
(2007) Performance modelling of asynchronous replica distribution technique on distributed database systems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol: 84, 2, 183--192, ISSN:207160. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.750
221 Radi M., Mamat A., Deris M.M., Ibrahim H., Shamala S.
(2007) Update propagation technique for data grid, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 4707 LNCS, PART 3, 115--127, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
222 Noraziah A., Deris M.M., Ahmed N.A., Saman M.Y.M., Norhayati R., Alfawaer Z.M.
(2007) Preserving data consistency through neighbor replication on grid daemon, American Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol: 4, 10, 751--758, ISSN:15469239. (Published)
223 Shuhadah W.N., Deris M.M., Noraziah A.N., Saman M.Y., Rabiee M.
(2006) Update-ordering for database consistency in peer-to-peer environments, 2006 Innovations in Information Technology, IIT, Vol: , , 4085464, ISSN:1424406749. (Published)
224 Bakar Z.A., Mohemad R., Ahmad A., Deris M.M.
(2006) A comparative study for outlier detection techniques in data mining, 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Vol: , , 4017846, ISSN:1424400236. (Published)
225 Abawajy J.H., Mat Deris M., Bin Omar M.
(2006) A novel data replication and management protocol for mobile computing systems, Mobile Information Systems, Vol: 2, 1, 3--19, ISSN:1574017X. (Published)
226 Abawajy J.H., Mat Deris M.
(2006) Supporting disconnected operations in mobile computing, IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2006, Vol: 2006, , 911--918, ISSN:1424402123. (Published)
227 Mamat A., Mat Deris M., Abawajy J.H., Ismail S.
(2006) Managing data using neighbor replication on triangular-grid structure, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 3994 LNCS - IV, , 1071--1077, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
228 Yan L., Zhu X., Mat Deris M.
(2006) A dynamic and efficient method for three-dimensional adaptive meshing, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol: 15, 2, 257--260, ISSN:10224653. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.019
229 Mustafa M.D., Nabila N.F., Evans D.J., Saman M.Y., Mamat A.
(2006) Association rules on significant rare data using second support, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol: 83, 1, 69--80, ISSN:207160. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.750
230 Deris M.M., Mamat A., Surip M., Khalid S.
(2005) Data replication model for remote procedure call transactions, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol: 2, 11, 2009--2015, ISSN:17900832. (Published)
231 Ali N.H., Abdul Jalil M.M., Deris M.M.
(2005) The design of algorithm translation package using UML, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol: 4, 2, 207--215, ISSN:11092750. (Published)
232 Selamat S.H., Deris M.M., Mamat R., Bakar Z.A.
(2005) Mining least relational patterns from multi relational tables, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 3584 LNAI, , 59--66, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
233 Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H., Zarina M., Mamat R.
(2005) High reliability replication technique for web-server cluster systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol: 3516, III, 447--456, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
234 Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H., Omar M.
(2005) A new approach for efficiently achieving high availability in mobile computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol: 3482, III, 60--68, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
235 Mamat R., Deris M.M., Jalil M.
(2004) Neighbor replica distribution technique for cluster server systems, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 17, 2, 11--20, ISSN:1279084. (Published)
236 Mat Deris M., Bakar N., Rabiei M., Suzuri H.M.
(2004) Diagonal replication on grid for efficient access of data in distributed database systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol: 3038, , 379--387, ISSN:3029743. (Published)
237 Deris M.M., Abawajy J.H., Suzuri H.M.
(2004) An efficient replicated data access approach for large-scale distributed systems, 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, CCGrid 2004, Vol: , , 588--594, ISSN:078038430X. (Published)
238 Mustafa M.D., Nathrah B., Suzuri M.H., Osman M.T.A.
(2004) Improving data availability using hybrid replication technique in peer-to-peer environments, Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application (AINA), Vol: 1, , 593--598, ISSN:769520510. (Published)
239 Mat Deris M., Ahmad N., Saman Md.Y.M., Ali N., Yuan Y.
(2004) High system availability using neighbor replication on grid, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol: E87-D, 7, 1813--1819, ISSN:9168532. (Published)
240 Deris M.M., Evans D.J., Saman M.Y., Noraziah A.
(2003) Binary vote assignment on a grid for efficient access of replicated data, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol: 80, 12, 1489--1498, ISSN:207160. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 1.750
241 Yan L.-M., Yuan Y.-W., Deris M.M.
(2003) Three-dimensional modeling from two-dimensional video based on neural network, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol: 2, , 1180--1184, ISSN:780378652. (Published)
242 Mat Deris M., Rabiei M., Noraziah A., Suzuri H.M.
(2003) High service reliability for cluster server systems, Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC, Vol: 2003-January, , 280--287, ISSN:15525244. (Published)
243 Yuan Y., Yan L., Deris M.M.
(2002) A heuristic genetic algorithm for distributed multicast routing, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 15, 2, 70--77, ISSN:1279084. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 0.436
244 Deris M.M., Hamzah M.P., Mamat A.
(2000) Enhanced Divide-and-Conquer algorithm with 2-block policy, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 13, 2, 16--20, ISSN:1279084. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 0.436
245 Deris M.M., Mamat A., Hamzah M.P.
(2000) Replicated data management for transactions sharing in distributed database, Proceedings - 4th International Conference/Exhibition on High Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific Region, HPC-Asia 2000, Vol: 2, , 836--841, ISSN:769505902. (Published)
246 Mamat A., Deris M.M.
(1997) An effect of simplifying magic rules for answering recursive queries in deductive databases, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 10, 1, 47--52, ISSN:1279084. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 0.436
247 Deris M.M., Mamat A.
(1997) A method of estimating aborted transaction in the database concurrency control system, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol: 10, 1, 64--74, ISSN:1279084. (Published)
Web of Science (SCIE) 0.436


Displaying 3 records.
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No Cover book Book Detail Involvement
The Research Survival Toolkit: Writing a Winning Fundamental Research Proposal
Safiah SIdek, Massila Kamalrudin, Mustafa Mat Deris
(2016), ISBN:976-967-0257-83-9, Publisher UTeM.
Language: English
source link
Network and Traffic Engineering in Emerging Distributed Computing Applications
Jemal H. Abawajy, Mukaddim Pathan, Mustafizur Rahman, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Mustafa Mat Deris
(2013), ISBN:Jemal H. Abawajy, Mukaddim Pathan, Mustafizur Rahman, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Mustafa Mat Deris, IGI Global.
Language: English
source link
Internet and Distributed Computing Advancements: Theoretical Frameworks and Practical Applications
Jemal H. Abawajy, Mukaddim Pathan, Mustafizur Rahman, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Mustafa Mat Deris
(2012), ISBN:9781466601611, IGI Global.
Language: English
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Displaying 38 records.
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PhD or Doctor (S3)
No Supervision Student Status
1 Supervisor
Data Quality For Big Data Management
In Progress
2 Supervisor
Abubakar Ado
Adaptive Approache Based Feature Selection for Large-Scale Hierarchical Text Classification
Completed 2023
3 Supervisor
Iwan Tri Riyadi Yanto
Fast Hard Clustering Based on Soft Set Multinomial Distribution Function
Completed 2023
4 Supervisor
Radin Rohmat Saeduddin
Soft Set Approach for Clustering Datasets
Completed 2020
5 Supervisor
Shamsul Kamal bin arifin
Digital image watermarking approach using sudoku theory
Completed 2019
6 Supervisor
Jamal Uddin
Bug Prioritization using symbiotic organisms search clustering with rough set classifier
Completed 2019
7 Supervisor
Rabiei Mamat
MAR: Maximum Attribute Relative of Soft Set for Clustering Attribute Selection
Completed 2018
8 Supervisor
Rashid Naseem
Software Modularization Using Combination of Multiple Clustering
Completed 2018
9 Supervisor
Ahmed Khalaf Alsaady
Multiple Query Optimization Using Heuristic Approach
Completed 2018
10 Supervisor
Ahmad Nazari Mohd Rose
Soft Set Theoritic Approach for Dimensionality Reduction
Completed 2017
11 Supervisor
Wareesa Sharif
Effect of negation in sentiment analysis
Completed 2017
12 Supervisor
Nawsher Khan
New Scheduling Technique To Improve Data Management In Cloud Computing
Completed 2017
13 Supervisor
Ahmad Shukri Mohd Noor
Neighbour Replica Affirmative Adaptive Failure Detection and Autonomous Recovery
Completed 2016
14 Supervisor
Kamaruddin Malek
A New Approach For Detecting JPEG JFIF Header Using FORIMAGE-JPEG
Completed 2015
15 Supervisor
Zailani Abdullah
A Hybrid Model for Discovering Significant Pattern in Data Mining
Completed 2015
16 Supervisor
Zarina Muhammad
Replica Management System for Federated Data Grid
Completed 2014
17 Supervisor
Sapiee Hj. Jamel
Three Dimensional Cryptanalysis Model for Information Security
Completed 2014
18 Supervisor
Bana Handaga
A New Classification Technique Based on Fuzzy Soft Set Theory and Supervised Fuzzy C-Means
Completed 2013
19 Supervisor
Tutut Herawan
A rough set approach for clustering attribute based on attribute maximum dependency
Completed 2011
20 Supervisor
Ziyad Abdul Mehdi
Managing Mobile Database Using Diagonal Replication Technique
Completed 2008
21 Supervisor
Mohammad A.Radi
Dynamic Update Propagation Technique For Data Grid
Completed 2008
22 Supervisor
Noraziah Ahmad
High System Availability Using Neighbor Replication on Grid.
Completed 2006
Master by Research (S2)
No Supervision Student Status
1 Supervisor
Muhd Hanis Harun
High Reliability Private Cloud Storage With Minimal Operation Cost Using Multi-Objective Optimization
Completed 2014
2 Supervisor
Iwan Tri Riyadi Yanto
Rough Clustering for Web Transactions
Completed 2011
3 Supervisor
Siti Mahfuzoh wasikon
Hasten Dynamic Frame Slotted ALOHA Algorithm for Fast Identification in RFID System
Completed 2011
4 Supervisor
Darenna Syahida Suib
Clustering Technique for Mining Web Transactions
Completed 2007
5 Supervisor
Wan Nor Shuhadah Wan Nik
Data Management in Peer-to-Peer Environment
Completed 2005
6 Supervisor
Wan Suryani Wan Awang
Update Propagation Strategies for Neighbor Replica Distribution Pattern
Completed 2004
7 Supervisor
Aznida Hayati Zakaria
Performance Modeling for Neighbor Replica Distribution Pattern
Completed 2004
8 Supervisor
Zailani Abdullah
E-Commerce Framework for MODENAS
Completed 2004
9 Supervisor
Natrah Bakar
Diagonal Grid Structure for Managing Data in Distributed Databases Environment
Completed 2004
10 Supervisor
Siti Hairulnita Selamat
Mining Least Relational Patterns From Multi Relational Tables
Completed 2004
11 Supervisor
Fatin Nabila Mohd Rafei Heng
Mining Association Rule for Rare Data in database
Completed 2004
12 Supervisor
Wan Nural Jawahir Hj. Wan Yusof
Content-Based Trademark retrieval Using Zernike Moment and Color-Spatial techniques
Completed 2004
13 Supervisor
Mohd Yahyal Haq Muslan
Application of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network in Texture Recognition
Completed 2004
14 Supervisor
Wong Siew Leng
Intelligent Web based Texture Recognition Systems
Completed 2004
15 Supervisor
Zarina Muhammad
Enhanced Domain Named Server for Neighbor Replica Distribution Pattern
Completed 2003
16 Supervisor
Rabiei Mamat
Request Distributed Agent for Neighbor Replica Distribution Pattern
Completed 2003


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